Location: just north of the celtics red sox and patriots go baby!
Posts: 730
They did it again
Now comes word that BO"s illegal auntie zutuni, has been allowed to stay in this country.This after she was ordered deported in 04 and has been on the run since,And to top it all off, she is staying in senior citizen housing in Southie (Boston) on our backs.Housing which you have to wait for years to get into and thousands are on waiting lists! Oh and the WH says they had no say in the matter ! AND THEN SOMEONE CAN TELL ME WE DONT NEED A LAW LIKE ARIZONA PASSED ? Riiiiight .Unbelievable!.
Don't you think she deserves special consideration because of her relationship to BHO?
Originally Posted by sbo1971
(Don't you think she deserves special consideration because of her relationship to BHO?)
She is not getting special consideration from the White House. She went through the same legal process to get asylum that anyone goes through.
Originally Posted by sbo1971
What she has done is against the law, had she killed someone or robbed someone would you say the same thing? If GW Bush had done this would you have been upset by it?
Obviously, she knew it was against the law also, as she applied to be here legally. It would be great if more illegal immigrants would do this.
She is not getting special consideration from the White House. She went through the same legal process to get asylum that anyone goes through.
Obviously, she knew it was against the law also, as she applied to be here legally. It would be great if more illegal immigrants would do this.
Actually, the Judge is the one who allowed her to apply. He ruled in 2004 that she be deported. No way to apply after that, unless the Judge did what he just did ... reversed his decision to allow her to apply.
She didn't go through the same legal process. After getting the notice in 2004, she ignored it. I'm sure after 2k8, with the election of her nephew, she knew the deportation wasn't going to happen.
(Don't you think she deserves special consideration because of her relationship to BHO?)
(you want to deport an elderly woman, shame on you. get a heart, become a christian)
What she has done is against the law, had she killed someone or robbed someone would you say the same thing? If GW Bush had done this would you have been upset by it?
Now comes word that BO"s illegal auntie zutuni, has been allowed to stay in this country.This after she was ordered deported in 04 and has been on the run since,And to top it all off, she is staying in senior citizen housing in Southie (Boston) on our backs.Housing which you have to wait for years to get into and thousands are on waiting lists! Oh and the WH says they had no say in the matter ! AND THEN SOMEONE CAN TELL ME WE DONT NEED A LAW LIKE ARIZONA PASSED ? Riiiiight .Unbelievable!.
She applied for asylum and received it. What is the issue with that? She was not on the run, she was living in government housing. When Obama was told she was living here illegally, "Mr Obama said he did not know his aunt was living in the US illegally and believes laws covering the situation should be followed."
Not much of an issue here. Just more fear-mongering.
She applied for asylum and received it. What is the issue with that? She was not on the run, she was living in government housing. When Obama was told she was living here illegally, "Mr Obama said he did not know his aunt was living in the US illegally and believes laws covering the situation should be followed."
Not much of an issue here. Just more fear-mongering.
I wouldn't call it "fear mongering;" just run of the mill grousing.
Given the President's successful book sales I would hope that he would see to it that this asylum seeking family member receives assistance from the family.
Did anyone really think she'd get deported? The aunt of a sitting POTUS? Democrat or Republican, I guarantee you doesn't matter which party is in the WH ... the relative of a sitting POTUS will be staying regardless.
Sure the WH says it didn't get involved, and it may not have reached out to the Judge. But the same Judge who, in 2004, ordered her to be deported, suddenly changed his mind recently and you gotta know that BHO in the WH now has some bearing on the Judge's decision. How often do they overrule themselves or reverse their earlier decisions.
Again, doesn't matter if it's BHO or a Republican in the WH ... in this situation, the relative of a sitting POTUS will be staying.
considering the lack of respect BHO has shown for the rest of his family, I fully believe he had nothing to do with this. and if anything is likely more worried about how people precieve him than he is his aunt's welfare.
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