While I realize that the Preacher almost always has a glass of water, do you/your Church frown on anyone having water in Church?
I especially am thinking of the other leaders, musicians, etc.
We allow it as long as it is discreet.
When we attend other Churches though, we refrain.
What say ye?
I attended a church where there was no Air Conditioning for many years. Not only was water approved, but I seldom wore "a monkey suit" to service. After church trips to the 7-11 next door after service were the norm. Not only water, but Big Gulps, Slurpee, and Frozen Mochas.... The latter 3 not to be drank in the Sanctuary.
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?
I attended a church where there was no Air Conditioning for many years. Not only was water approved, but I seldom wore "a monkey suit" to service. After church trips to the 7-11 next door after service were the norm. Not only water, but Big Gulps, Slurpee, and Frozen Mochas.... The latter 3 not to be drank in the Sanctuary.
We don't have AC here either, but we really don't need it unless there are 150 in the building (once in 3 yrs that happenned) and we open all doors and windows and set up fans to ventilate.
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?
I'm waiting for people to start bringing sack lunches. For heaven's sake - you don't need to drink that much water!! I don't ever remember wanting a drink of water during church. I'll probably feel thirsty this Sunday. LOL!
We were in a ladies retreat a few months ago and a woman had - I kid you not! - a gallon jug with a straw!!! A huge white container with lettering mind you! And those huge accordion looking straws!!!!! I was so distracted that I couldn't get into the service. Hahahahahaha! She was on the outside of the aisle and had it sitting next to her chair!! I should have danced in the spirit and knocked it over!!!
I was wondering how I could take pictures and publish these things!!!!
Water is allowed in the church by my pastor, but I don't see the importance in it in most cases.
I understand the pastor and even singers need it, but there are people who have brought even soda into the church. I don't think that's right.
When I first had my bypass surgery, I brought water to church because I had to drink something almost all the time, but after a couple months, I could do without if for a couple hours and quit bringing it.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I also don't agree with food for children being in the church. It's on thing to have Cheerios for a one-yr old, perhaps, but I have seen people bring sandwiches for 3 and 4 yr olds.....not in the church I attend currently, but in churches I've been a member of. I don't think that's right.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I also don't agree with food for children being in the church. It's on thing to have Cheerios for a one-yr old, perhaps, but I have seen people bring sandwiches for 3 and 4 yr olds.....not in the church I attend currently, but in churches I've been a member of. I don't think that's right.
You should hand out those red and white checkered napkins and say, "Here ya go, being as you look like you are going on a picnic - IN THE SANCTUARY!!!!!"
I'm waiting for people to start bringing sack lunches. For heaven's sake - you don't need to drink that much water!! I don't ever remember wanting a drink of water during church. I'll probably feel thirsty this Sunday. LOL!
We were in a ladies retreat a few months ago and a woman had - I kid you not! - a gallon jug with a straw!!! A huge white container with lettering mind you! And those huge accordion looking straws!!!!! I was so distracted that I couldn't get into the service. Hahahahahaha! She was on the outside of the aisle and had it sitting next to her chair!! I should have danced in the spirit and knocked it over!!!
I was wondering how I could take pictures and publish these things!!!!
I take a bottle of water to church almost every service. My son takes an allergy medicine that makes him extremely thirsty. It's less distracting for me to give him a sip of water from a bottle than to get up and take him out to the water fountain several times during every service.
Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
I also don't agree with food for children being in the church. It's on thing to have Cheerios for a one-yr old, perhaps, but I have seen people bring sandwiches for 3 and 4 yr olds.....not in the church I attend currently, but in churches I've been a member of. I don't think that's right.
Uh oh.. I failed this one too. I keep tic tacs, lifesavers, skittles, etc in my purse. When my son sits quietly and pays attention to the sermon-- each 15 minutes, he's rewarded with a single piece. We're talking about an unmedicated ADHD child who finds it impossible to sit still and be quiet. I think my pastor must approve of such methods by parents to keep kids from disrupting the service for others-- because tic tacs, lifesavers and skittles are available for sale in the church library. Otherwise, I'd spend more time out of the sanctuary than in the sanctuary spanking his little rear end for acting up in church. Small sacrifices...
I take a bottle of water to church almost every service. My son takes an allergy medicine that makes him extremely thirsty. It's less distracting for me to give him a sip of water from a bottle than to get up and take him out to the water fountain several times during every service.
Uh oh.. I failed this one too. I keep tic tacs, lifesavers, skittles, etc in my purse. When my son sits quietly and pays attention to the sermon-- each 15 minutes, he's rewarded with a single piece. We're talking about an unmedicated ADHD child who finds it impossible to sit still and be quiet. I think my pastor must approve of such methods by parents to keep kids from disrupting the service for others-- because tic tacs, lifesavers and skittles are available for sale in the church library. Otherwise, I'd spend more time out of the sanctuary than in the sanctuary spanking his little rear end for acting up in church. Small sacrifices...
I don't see a problem with that. I think we are speaking of grown adults. At least I am. lol!