I actually agree with the criticizers.
The first time, our President made a mistake, an insensitive remark, based on a commonly shared prejudice about Las Vegas.
The 2nd time, it's like he just doesn't care about the folks who he has offended at all.
My buddies Rush and Imus are guilty of this kind of stupidity and arrogance.
It's a rare day that I compare the President of the US to Rush and Imus, but I wholeheartedly agree with the public outrage.
You know, uh, Mr. President, you are going to need Nevada one day-- why create unnecessary enemies, because you can?
Just as sure as you were voted in, you can be voted out.
Respect your fellow Americans, Mr. President.
Your office commends our respect towards you, our citizenship commends your respect towards us. We elected you. NEVADA ELECTED YOU!
He's completely indefensible on this point because in America, we have the freedom to legally do what I want with our money. If we make bad decisions, it's our responsibility.
If I wanted his advice, I'd ask for it.
This is really my voice, this is not for show.
The President has really irked me over this and I'm not even a resident of Nevada!
They voted for him!!! I didn't even vote for the man!!!!!