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Old 04-17-2007, 09:29 PM

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Friday the 13th: Local Epidemic with A Spiritual Connection?

Here's a strange one for all the 'spiritual guru' who reside on AFF.

For years we've heard about the whole 'Friday the 13th' as being an unlucky day. I really have no idea why it's called an unlucky day. However, this past Friday (13th) has made me question just how much spiritual activity is involved on something called a 'unlucky' day.

1. Some read my post about my son finding the dead body of a young man who apparently commited suicide. He was found on the property line of some land we purchased and plan to build a home on in a few years. A gun was found under his left knee as he lay face down in the dirt. Horribly sad situation.

2. I just got word from a Sister in my Church who is a nurse that works at the largest hospital in our neighboring city. She said that on Friday the 13th there were THREE doctor's wives and one doctor that committed suicide. One shot themselves in the head, one in the stomach... one drank clorox and the another drank antifreeze. As far as anybody knows there is NO connection between the 4 suicides associated with that hospital.

It just seems a little more than coincidence to me that all 5 of these suicides took place on Friday the 13th.

QUESTION: Am I the only one that thinks that there is more spiritual activity on some days than on other days? I don't necessarily think it's just a Friday the 13th, a Holloween or such as that. It just appears to me that there is legitimately more spiritual activity during certain days or seasons?

I'd be interested in seeing how others see the connection between certain days and spiritual activity.
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Old 04-17-2007, 09:31 PM
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Sheer superstition. If there is more activity at all, it is because people choose to make it so.
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Old 04-17-2007, 10:46 PM
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I am not smart enough to know the answer to your question. But I do think that if you get into the superstitions and such, that your weekness can be preyed upon.
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Old 04-17-2007, 11:05 PM
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I think the words we speak are so powerful! If a gazillion people are saying that Friday the 13th is "unlucky", it gives the devil legal right to do his work on that day (or any other day for that matter, if people open themselves up to it). He is the ultimate legalist!

How many times do we say things like:
"My feet are KILLING me"
"I'm so full I could DIE"
"I was scared to DEATH".
I think all those words bring curses on our lives; giving the enemy rights to us. We are snared by the words of our mouth; the power of LIFE and DEATH is in the tongue.

Call me charismatic or whatever, but I believe in the power of blessing and cursing!
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Old 04-18-2007, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
I think the words we speak are so powerful! If a gazillion people are saying that Friday the 13th is "unlucky", it gives the devil legal right to do his work on that day (or any other day for that matter, if people open themselves up to it). He is the ultimate legalist!

How many times do we say things like:
"My feet are KILLING me"
"I'm so full I could DIE"
"I was scared to DEATH".
I think all those words bring curses on our lives; giving the enemy rights to us. We are snared by the words of our mouth; the power of LIFE and DEATH is in the tongue.

Call me charismatic or whatever, but I believe in the power of blessing and cursing!
I don't personally believe that. I think what we mean means a whole lot more than what we say. If we speak negatively like "I will never amount to anything" that is a very negative statement that goes to the core. But saying "My feet are killing me" I don't think does anything but express what we feel like.
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Old 04-18-2007, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by ILG View Post
I don't personally believe that. I think what we mean means a whole lot more than what we say. If we speak negatively like "I will never amount to anything" that is a very negative statement that goes to the core. But saying "My feet are killing me" I don't think does anything but express what we feel like.
Well, I DO believe it. The Bible doesn't say we're snared by our minds, but by the words of our mouths. It doesn't say that the power of life and death is in the mind or the heart, but in the tongue. God did everything by speaking it into existence and we are made in the very image and likeness of Him. We are also "speaking spirits", unlike any of the other creation. As a believer, our words have POWER.
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Old 04-19-2007, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
Well, I DO believe it. The Bible doesn't say we're snared by our minds, but by the words of our mouths. It doesn't say that the power of life and death is in the mind or the heart, but in the tongue. God did everything by speaking it into existence and we are made in the very image and likeness of Him. We are also "speaking spirits", unlike any of the other creation. As a believer, our words have POWER.
I believe that partly. But probably not to the extent that you do, by your given examples.
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Old 04-17-2007, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Steadfast View Post

2. I just got word from a Sister in my Church who is a nurse that works at the largest hospital in our neighboring city. She said that on Friday the 13th there were THREE doctor's wives and one doctor that committed suicide. One shot themselves in the head, one in the stomach... one drank clorox and the another drank antifreeze. As far as anybody knows there is NO connection between the 4 suicides associated with that hospital.
Well, the date doesn't concern me but if I was the police I would be looking long and hard at the coincidence of so many suicides connected with one hospital in one day.

Makes you wonder who had a gun pointed at them and commanded them to do what they did or alternatively, what they know about the hospital that you don't....

Or I suppose more plausibly.... if one had committed suicide in the morning; then it is plausible that three others followed suit as copycat suicides.

Unfortunately, copy cat suicide is REAL. The more publicized suicides are; the greater the ripple effect of other suicides (and likely school shootings).
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Old 04-18-2007, 02:07 AM

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It does kind of make you wonder if there is some 'conspiracy' behind it but it appears none of them are remotely related.

I do think that there are massive swings of spiritual activity. Just not sure that they use our 12 month, 365 day calendar....
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Old 04-18-2007, 08:06 AM

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i would say that spiritual activity from the dark side is on going (remember your message "Fight Like Hell". They never stop.

What I believe is that on days that we have assigned specific connotations of evil, folks are more susceptible to dark spirits and they are more easily convinced to act in unGodly ways.
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