Another very Quiet appointment?
Obama Appoints 2 Devout Muslims
to Homeland (In)Security Posts
(NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new
government official being identified as a
devout Catholic, Jew or Protestant...?
Just wondering)
Doesn't this make you feel safer already??
Obama and Janet Nappy Appoint Devout Muslim
to Homeland Security Post,
Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for
Policy Development.
Source for announcement:
Homeland Security Press Room
Kareem Shora, who was born in Damascus, Syria
was appointed by DHS Secretary Napolitano
on Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC)
Washington, DC
June 5, 2009
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
(ADC) is proud to announce that earlier today
at a ceremony held in Albuquerque , New Mexico ,
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in
ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora
a member of the Homeland Security Advisory
Council (HSAC).
Devout Muslims being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions? That should make our homeland much safer, huh!!
Was it not men of the "Devout Muslim Faith" that flew planes into U.S. buildings not too long ago. What the heck is this president thinking?
I believe I can answer that question: he’s thinking “2 more for my side” , that being Muslim of course!
We’d have to be complete idiots not to have known that he has been one all along unless our ears were plugged ! He said so himself.
The Trojan Horse strikes again…….destroy our country from the inside out so the dirty Muslims can take over.
At a banquet/fundraiser for the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California last weekend, the first speaker was Arif Alikhan (Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles - in charge of public safety for the city). He bid farewell, as he is going to take a post as Assistant Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security. Arif Alikhan is a
devout Sunni and the son of Pakistani immigrants
Why Alikhan? DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano noted Alikhan’s “broad and impressive array of experience in national security, emergency preparedness and counterterrorism.” I am not sure what she is talking about (neither is she, I am sure.)
Arif Alikhan was appointed Deputy Mayor of LA - picked from relative obscurity.
He began his career seven years ago, when he took a job with the Department of Justice hunting down computer hackers, crooks who were selling merchandise on Ebay at rock-bottom prices. In his former position as an assistant US attorney, Alikhan consistently did his work accurately and silently, never producing any headlines. But then he suddenly became one of the most important men in Los Angeles, America's second-largest city after New York.
He took the position of Deputy Mayor in November 2006. The year that the Congress went Democrat and history and America took a disastrous turn. How does an obscure bureaucrat a and devout Muslim come to the position of Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles - in charge of public safety for the city? And now Assistant Secretary to DHS?
The Islamic loving Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department's plan to monitor it's Muslim community.
Alikhan is affiliated with MPAC, the "Muslim Public Affairs Council".
"Founded in 1988, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) describes itself as "a public service agency working for the civil rights of American Muslims, for the integration of Islam into American pluralism, and for a positive, constructive relationship between American Muslims and their representatives." The organization consists of eight chapters in California, and one each inTexas, Kansas, Nevada, and Iowa."
This group actively opposed Bush's military incursions into Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as his "excesses" in the war on terror. In February 2003, MPAC joined the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the American Muslim Council, and the American Muslim Alliance in forming a coalition to repeal and amend the Patriot Act, which these organizations depicted as an assault on the civil liberties of Americans, particularly Muslims.
MPAC claims that Islam is a religion of peace and moderation, and contends that Muslim extremists are no more numerous or dangerous than fundamentalists in any other faith.
Holding Israel entirely responsible for the "pattern of violence" in the Middle East, MPAC asserts that Hezbollah "could be called 0liberation movement."
The Council likens Hezbollah members to American "freedom fighters hundreds of years ago whom the British regarded as terrorists."
In a 1999 position paper, MPAC justified Hezbollah's deadly 1983 bombing of the American Marine barracks in Lebanon as a "military operation" rather than a terrorist attack. 1983
Beirutbarracks bombing, which killed 299 servicemen, including 220 U.S. Marines. As Maher Hathout puts it: "Hezbollah is fighting for freedom, an organized army, limiting its operations against military people,
this is a legitimate target against occupation. … this is legitimate, this is an American value -- freedom and liberty."