In conversations with Oneness preachers, about recent Christian marytrs, I was stunned to hear them say that they (the OP preachers) were not God, and wouldn't judge whether or not a martyred minister who was Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian or any other denomination was going to Hell.
Of course, the the implication is that those martyrs had not been baptized in Jesus Name, and had not experienced Holy Ghost baptism, evidenced by glossolalia.
Why would they say that?
We teach that the only proper response to the Gospel is found in Acts 2:38. Wouldn't that mean that anyone who doesn't follow that plan - even a Christian martyr - is lost?
I think alot of apostolic/upc pastors believe alittle more than what they teach but are affraid to throw it out there cause if they did they would be questioned and possibly pulled from preaching and teaching by higher ups
A lot of folks say they believe certain things because they think they are supposed to believe them (um, maybe because that's what they are told?), but they keep their questions and doubts to themselves. Been there, done that.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I also think that the upc/apostolic church is taught that the preacher has the final say and not to question it so therefore no studing gets done they just get told things and roll with it..I think as a younger generation comes in more questions are going to start being asked...
I also think that the upc/apostolic church is taught that the preacher has the final say and not to question it so therefore no studing gets done they just get told things and roll with it..I think as a younger generation comes in more questions are going to start being asked...
Yes, the days of untouchable pastors are coming to an end, thanks in large part to the internet. They better get to work and preach against it (not that it will work, but they need to try), or their days are numbered.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Yes, the days of untouchable pastors are coming to an end, thanks in large part to the internet. They better get to work and preach against it (not that it will work, but they need to try), or their days are numbered.
I know many who are.
A friend told me that she heard a preacher say that the internet was the biggest trick the devil had ever played on Apostolics.
Pretty soon the only option left for some Apostolics is going to be Sooner or later all of God's children are going to have to grow up and stop being afraid that the devil is going to "get them".
In conversations with Oneness preachers, about recent Christian marytrs, I was stunned to hear them say that they (the OP preachers) were not God, and wouldn't judge whether or not a martyred minister who was Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian or any other denomination was going to Hell.
Of course, the the implication is that those martyrs had not been baptized in Jesus Name, and had not experienced Holy Ghost baptism, evidenced by glossolalia.
Why would they say that?
We teach that the only proper response to the Gospel is found in Acts 2:38. Wouldn't that mean that anyone who doesn't follow that plan - even a Christian martyr - is lost?
Yes, btw. As lost as ... well, you know! Even a certain UC former poster here on AFF refused to say whether the lost, when they die, would go to hell or not. That's up to God, he said. But he was sure that he would go to Heaven. I never figured out why God could be God and decide the fate of the lost however He wanted to, but God was somehow obligated to grant this UC access to Heaven. *shrug*
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty