My Daily Flog
A couple of years ago I re-established contact with someone who was one of my room mates in Bible School in St. Paul, MN. After establishing that we both were still alive and had children, grandchildren, etc we have not communicated back and forth for quite a while. About a month ago I got an email from him inviting me to join him in a group called My Daily Flog. I ignored it thinking I might look into it some time. Last week I got another email from him inviting me to see some pictures that he had posted. Since I haven't seen him for over 50 years I thought I would join up. I went through the join up process and something didn't feel right. When they sent me an email for me to confirm my email address and complete the joining process. Again, something didn't feel right. So, I emailed my friend and asked him if he had actually invited me to join this group. Now, this guy has been in the (UPC) ministry for years and was even Dist. Supt. of a State. Today, I got the following email from him:
I am glad that you used some discernment on this thing without opening it. I got an invitation from a good friend and opened it. I saw that it was one of these social interaction web sites and I don't have time for those; so I clicked it off and forgot about it.
It did not forget about me. It hi-jacked my address book and began to send these things out to everyone on it. When they opened it they found gross pornography. I am sorry that it happened to you. Delete it and make sure that your virus program it up to date. McAfee told me that they found a trojan and killed it, but it was after it had stolen my address book.
God bless you good to hear from you.
So, if you get and invitation from My Daily Flog, trash it quickly.
I'm sure there are other groups out there just like that.