Originally Posted by nahkoe
I would like to read them.
I do believe they were...somehow not included. There are books referenced in the books we do have that just aren't there. I'd like to see what they say.
Yes..the Dead Sea Scrolls exist...but is that what you're asking? I haven't studied anything about those in a long time..I'd have to do some reading to see what I really think about them.
The Septuagint is just the Greek translation of the Hebrew Tanakh...or the Old Testament.
I caught part of a program on the history channel entitled "Banned from the Bible".
It was really interesting.
It mentioned The Acts of Peter not being included, a book on Daniel that was longer and said he was not shown as being passive in that book. And there were other books called that Acts of Mark, etc.
According to them the Septuagint was translated by 72 different scribes with the same translation. But not all of it was allowed.
It was really interesting their conclusion about there being a woman created before Eve. Stating that in the beginning of Genesis it stated God made male and female. Their teaching is that this woman mentioned only in Isaiah did not want to submit to Adam. She wanted to be equal to him. They then teach that she said the name outloud of God and was taken up and away from Adam. When he wanted her to come back he was told she did not want to return and it was her choice. Then they started saying something about her turning into a demonic spirit. Too far out for me to grasp.
It was also interesting that the Acts of Paul they said he taught chasity even for the married couples and this was causing problems with even not Christians deciding to follow this teaching. He believed in an imminent rapture if you will, and believed chasity caused a deeper devotion to God.
They teach that what is printed in our scriptures is a milder version of what Paul and Peter really taught.
I missed a lot of the beginning of the program and only caught most of the last of it. It was interesting to hear these scholars discuss the history of scriptures from a historical angle.
I have heard the Dead Sea Scrolls also confirm what the scriptures says.