Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Why does Paul write that the believer may eat meat sacrificed to Idols (Romans 14:14-23), (1 Corinthians 8:4-13) but in Revelation Jesus Christ condemns the Church of Pergamus and Thyatira for "eating meats sacrificed to idols (Revelation 2:14, 20)??
Doesn't Jesus hold the trump card here?
Did Paul overstep?
Wasn't the Apostolic doctrine made clear to him by the Apostles in Acts 15 at the Council of Jerusalem?
Acts 15:28-29 (King James Version)
Its very clear to me as I read
Revelation 2:14 that the Lord is condemning people in the church in Pergamum that hold to the teachings of Balaam. The Lord then goes on to give them an example of who Balaam was (Balaam taught Balak to entice the ISRAELITES to sin by eating food sacrificed to idols and committing sexual immorality. Verse 15 then goes on to talk about people in the church of Pergamum who were holding to the teachings of the Nicolatians as well. Verse 16 tells the church what to do. Simply REPENT THERFORE! (Remember, eating food polluted by idols was expressly forbidden in Jewish law. Key word, "Jewish Law".
According to research, Balaam advised the Midianite women how to lead the Israleites astray (
Numbers 25:1-2; 31:16. In essesnce (according to research) he is a fitting prototype of corrupt teachers who deceive believers into compromise with worldliness.
My final answer is that Jesus is not going back and stating its wrong to eat the animals sacrificed to idols, He is using this as a clear example of being lead astray into worldliness (hence the reason why he chooses to use as a litteral example a spirit of old that once lead people astray.....just like the spirit of Jezebell. )