Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Excellent thoughts!
Originally Posted by Neck
Many believe that "The morning and the evening were the first day".
Actully refers to the first day of Jehova relating the things that were before to Moses.
The second day being the second day being the second day of Jevoha sharing these words with Moses.
The resaon God showed Moses his hinder parts was that Moses was to see that which was on the back side of God or time.
Tell me this why would God speak things into existance in 7 days?
I personally believe it took the Lord seven days to share this with Moses.
And on the 7th day the Lord rested...
Rested his case with Moses....
Excellent thoughts!
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I actually shared this with a member of a Public School board that I sold a 1.5 million dollar contact for new VOIP phones systems. To 31 Schools and admin offices.
I was sitting at lunch with the Main IT contact and board member.
They started talking about Evolution vs the idea of creation.
They both were saying they could believe that anyone still believed that the earth was 6500 years old.
I shared with them my thoughts on the 7 days of creation.
When we got done with the conversation.
They did not have a stance that the Christian faith was dead wrong.
Both of them told me that it was the first statements that they had heard that could put creation back into the equation.