NBC News and news services
updated 3:38 p.m. ET, Mon., Oct. 27, 2008
...According to the court records, the pair discussed robbing a gun shop in order to gather weapons and ammunition to use in a "killing spree."
The defendants allegedly further discussed their killing spree to include targeting a predominately African-American school, and to continue their spree until it culminated with an attempt to assassinate Obama.
__________________ http://endtimeobserver.blogspot.com
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
America would be a horrible place if Obama were to win and the get assasinated. I hope he doesn't win, but God has control. But if he were to be assasinated after the election or before it would not be good for America, IMO
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
A Presidential assassination is never good for America.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
How coincidental that this makes headlines the day a very damaging Obama video comes out....
In the first place; the plan is ridiculous. The two hillbillies? couldn't possibly do what they were proposing. They could not go into a school and attempt to kill students and have any shot of then getting to Obama. Only someone totally ignorant could think otherwise.
So then, I wonder how the police found out. What tipped them off? The best I have read so far is that they had written with chalk, some numbers and a swastika on their car and within 24 hours they were taken in for questioning.
When questioned SEPARATELY (and this is the really strange thing) they BOTH appear to confess to the same scheme. Why would they tell? And how is it that they both tell the same story rather than one or the other of them denying it or making it something different to save their own skin?
I am suspicous of identical answers that are so incriminating with their necks on the line.
Until more information is revealed; something seems fishy...
How coincidental that this makes headlines the day a very damaging Obama video comes out....
In the first place; the plan is ridiculous. The two hillbillies? couldn't possibly do what they were proposing. They could not go into a school and attempt to kill students and have any shot of then getting to Obama. Only someone totally ignorant could think otherwise.
So then, I wonder how the police found out. What tipped them off? The best I have read so far is that they had written with chalk, some numbers and a swastika on their car and within 24 hours they were taken in for questioning.
When questioned SEPARATELY (and this is the really strange thing) they BOTH appear to confess to the same scheme. Why would they tell? And how is it that they both tell the same story rather than one or the other of them denying it or making it something different to save their own skin?
I am suspicous of identical answers that are so incriminating with their necks on the line.
Until more information is revealed; something seems fishy...
Which video?
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Are you suggesting that the Redistributive Wealth audio video of Obama talking about ECONOMIC JUSTICE otherwise known as "Redistribuion of the Wealth" isn't damaging to his campain?
How coincidental that this makes headlines the day a very damaging Obama video comes out....
In the first place; the plan is ridiculous. The two hillbillies? couldn't possibly do what they were proposing. They could not go into a school and attempt to kill students and have any shot of then getting to Obama. Only someone totally ignorant could think otherwise.
So then, I wonder how the police found out. What tipped them off? The best I have read so far is that they had written with chalk, some numbers and a swastika on their car and within 24 hours they were taken in for questioning.
When questioned SEPARATELY (and this is the really strange thing) they BOTH appear to confess to the same scheme. Why would they tell? And how is it that they both tell the same story rather than one or the other of them denying it or making it something different to save their own skin?
I am suspicous of identical answers that are so incriminating with their necks on the line.
Until more information is revealed; something seems fishy...
This is just hogwash plain and simple.....there was no assassination attempt.......I guess the powers that be are testing us just to see how stupid we really are to believe such nonsense. Inside job, people. The govt. made this all up.....it's all a show. If the powers that be want Obama assassinated they'll do it without any hype or pre-fanfare.