Reviewing a Politcal Resume
I was thinking about the qualifications or lack thereof of our current Presidential / Vice Presidential candidates.
I wondered if their resumes were handed to us without names, party affiliation, political beliefs, gender, color, or anything of the such. Just a resume of past experiences how would they line up. Give a non-partisan answer as to what you think, totally based on looking at a resume that did not have any identifying information.
I will give my conclusion and I would be interested in others conclusion.
I think that as people reviewed each ones qualifications it would be pretty evenly divided between John McCain and Joe Biden on who is most qualified. Because beliefs and programs do not exist in this evaluation only experience I believe these two would be pretty much evenly divided.
I think a small percentage would think Sarah Palin is more qualified and that opinion would come from those who believe that Governing is more applicable experience than legislating. As I said, it would be a small percentage that feel this way, but a very large percentage would easily put Miss Palin as next in line. Her years in government, Governing, would be acceptable but she would fall significantly behind McCain and Biden.
I think that very few would even consider Mr. Obama as even qualified (remember we have taken personality, ability to speak, and ideas out of the equation) to be President. I think he would trail so far below Palin and so extremely far behind McCain and Biden that no real consideration would be given to him.
What is your opinion?
Last edited by gloryseeker; 10-11-2008 at 03:22 PM.
Reason: misspell