Someday they will find out it is more than about food. There a lot of different dynamics going on.
Metabolism, genetics, how our bodies process, and respond to food.(in cases of diabetics, hypoglycemics.)
I was reading this info the other day:
World Health Orginazation, Consultation on Obesity reported:
Obesity is a chronic disease, prevalent in both developed and developing countries, and affecting children as well as adults. Indeed it is so common that it is replacing the more traditional public health concerns, including undernutrition and infectious diseases, as one of the most significant contributors to ill health."
The WHO publishes the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-CM), which lists Obesity and Other Hyperalimentation as an
Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic and Immunity Disease. The ICD-9-CM is recommended for use in all clinical settings, and is required for reporting diagnoses and diseases to all U.S. Public Health Service and Health Care Financing Administration programs. The World Health Organization recently included the Metabolic Syndrome in ICD-10 (#277). Obesity is a component of the Metabolic Syndrome
When I was a young girl I lost a large amount of weight by starving myself. I was anorexic and bulimic for many years. ( I can not believe I am telling this) When I was overcoming this battle, I never could eat more than one meal a day without gaining my weight back. I ruined my metabolism.
When I became pregnant I started to eat (I wanted a child more than anything) All the weight came back on. Over the course of my life my weight has yo yoed.
There are different things that cause lung cancer, ex ,smoking, mining, asbestose etc..... Same way with weight, different reasons cause the same result.
I think gluttony is when you overeat to the point of stuffing your self.
I have seen thin gluttons. In my opinion everyone who is overweight is not a glutton. Everyone who drinks is not an alcoholic.
Gluttony: one who eats to excess. one eager of anything to excess.
Once again Moderation is all things....