Some of you may remember me posting about being ministered to by Bro Gordon Winslow in February. He told me that God was going to begin healing things that were wrong with my body.
There were several small things that were immediately healed before I ever left the service that day. The first really big healing that I received was that my sight was restored to 20/20 vision in both eyes.
There were some issues with my heart that were found on a sonogram last year. The original diagnosis was that I had a small hole in my heart, which was a congenital heart defect. Also, I had one valve that had a slight backflow of blood. Over the past year, I've been being seen by a cardiologist to monitor these problems.
I knew that something had changed right after Bro Winslow ministered to me, because I didn't lose my breath after walking around walmart, or climbing the flight of stairs at church.
I returned to the cardiology clinic on Sept 3. They did another sonogram. I got the call from the clinic yesterday--- my sonogram no longer shows the valve problem... and they didn't see a congenital heart defect either. God healed both!!!!!
Not only that-- but my cholesterol level is "perfect". It was never really high, but what they considered to be borderline.
My blood pressure is staying right around 118/76.
My blood sugar level is back into a healthy range.
I've dropped another dress size.
They still want to see me once a year to make sure that the valve problem doesn't reappear.... LOL
I love when God amazes the doctors.
When Bro Winslow returned to our church in August-- I was ministered to again. He told me that God was going to continue the healing process-- and that my nonfunctioning thyroid gland and pituitary gland would both be restored. (These things were confirmed by another minister who wasn't in attendance that night at another church service a few days later. ) Bro Winslow also said that God would restore my hearing. (I have been completely deaf in my right ear since 1993. ) I believe that these things are going to be done also.
God is still performing miracles!!!!!
I have been healed!!