Having read Chester Wright's letter weeks prior to it being posted here ....I find it extremely interesting that the "powers that be" may not see the WWPF as the greatest threat to the mothership but rather "relevant churches" like Johnston's church in DE.
Wright states:
Its potential impact upon our movement is minimal compared to the impact that the relevancy movement is having upon our next generation of preachers
I am aware of many of my age cohorts who are indeed taking this approach in their local ministries. Wright is correct in his assessment of the current situation.
I call them hy-brids ... those that are true "relevant" churches, that is.
I had a friend who was being funded as a metro missionary by HMD who had a church named The Journey, (if I recall).
They even had a DJ minister at the church ... (good to see PIMs be used for alternative ideas/ministries *wink*)
Many are keeping the Water and Spirit message but are only keeping platform standards.
That said .... I decided to take up Elder Wright on his challenge to find "relevant" and "journey" UPCI churches in addition to Johnston's church...
I am sure that the following short list are diverse and may or not be as "relevant" as they market themselves:
http://visitreallife.org (
Some questions ...
Do you know of any other "relevant" org or Apostolic churches? Please share them.
Do you agree this is the biggest threat to Oneness Pentecost as Wright seems to imply?
Can Johnston weather the storm that seems to be mounting against this new "fresh face" of the organization?
Will this infiltration of relevant journey churches bring about reform or will they be stamped out?