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Old 09-02-2008, 12:05 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

Having read Chester Wright's letter weeks prior to it being posted here ....I find it extremely interesting that the "powers that be" may not see the WWPF as the greatest threat to the mothership but rather "relevant churches" like Johnston's church in DE.

Wright states:

Its potential impact upon our movement is minimal compared to the impact that the relevancy movement is having upon our next generation of preachers
I am aware of many of my age cohorts who are indeed taking this approach in their local ministries. Wright is correct in his assessment of the current situation.

I call them hy-brids ... those that are true "relevant" churches, that is.

I had a friend who was being funded as a metro missionary by HMD who had a church named The Journey, (if I recall).
They even had a DJ minister at the church ... (good to see PIMs be used for alternative ideas/ministries *wink*)

Many are keeping the Water and Spirit message but are only keeping platform standards.

That said .... I decided to take up Elder Wright on his challenge to find "relevant" and "journey" UPCI churches in addition to Johnston's church...

I am sure that the following short list are diverse and may or not be as "relevant" as they market themselves:

http://visitreallife.org (http://reallifedefined.blogspot.com/)

Some questions ...

Do you know of any other "relevant" org or Apostolic churches? Please share them.

Do you agree this is the biggest threat to Oneness Pentecost as Wright seems to imply?

Can Johnston weather the storm that seems to be mounting against this new "fresh face" of the organization?

Will this infiltration of relevant journey churches bring about reform or will they be stamped out?
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:09 PM
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Re: Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post

http://visitreallife.org (http://reallifedefined.blogspot.com/)

Some questions ...

Do you know of any other "relevant" org or Apostolic churches? Please share them.

Do you agree this is the biggest threat to Oneness Pentecost as Wright seems to imply?

Can Johnston weather the storm that seems to be mounting against this new "fresh face" of the organization?

Will this infiltration of relevant journey churches bring about reform or will they be stamped out?
It is a threat to Wright's version and vision of Apostolica.
Johnston can weather the storm only if he is following the Lord.
They'll be stamped out or leave like the rest of the impugned ones.

BTW, welcome BACK!!!!
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:23 PM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Re: Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

These questions are receiving a large amount of "air time" amongst my peers.

There are two things we must realize.

1. The words "emergent", "emerging", and "relevant" have replaced the words "charismatic" and "liberal" as the preferred weapons of the radical right. The Borg is in full attack mode, using these new weapons as virtual "smart bombs" on those who would be creative.

2. There will be articles in the major periodicals addressing this issue.
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:27 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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Re: Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
These questions are receiving a large amount of "air time" amongst my peers.

There are two things we must realize.

1. The words "emergent", "emerging", and "relevant" have replaced the words "charismatic" and "liberal" as the preferred weapons of the radical right. The Borg is in full attack mode, using these new weapons as virtual "smart bombs" on those who would be creative.

2. There will be articles in the major periodicals addressing this issue.
i.e. Forward, Herald?

Is this speculation?
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:46 PM
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Re: Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
i.e. Forward, Herald?

Is this speculation?
R these "major" publications? What is their circulation?
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Old 09-02-2008, 03:33 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
These questions are receiving a large amount of "air time" amongst my peers.

There are two things we must realize.

1. The words "emergent", "emerging", and "relevant" have replaced the words "charismatic" and "liberal" as the preferred weapons of the radical right. The Borg is in full attack mode, using these new weapons as virtual "smart bombs" on those who would be creative.

2. There will be articles in the major periodicals addressing this issue.
True, my pastor is already dropping terms like "emergent", "organic", "relevant", etc in his sermons. I'm thinking they had a leadership seminar on it or something.

I think people are different by nature. Some will never be won to the Lord in the traditional models of church. I honestly believe that various forms of churches and ministries can function in harmony to reach all stripes of individuals. But apparently not everyone thinks this way.

I'm afraid that they're missing a major opportunity. Most of the Evangelical churches I know who are leary of the emergent or relevancy movements are leary of it because of the possibility of "heresy" and...denial of the essentiality of belief in the Trinity among emergents. Frankly, that's an open door for Oneness teaching.

In one Bible study our Pastor talked about how fast the emergent and house church groups are growing throughout American Christianity. And then he admonished us to do more door knocking and outreach to get people to come to church as opposed to becoming connected with this movement. But here's the deal....those movements are growing in America because most Americans are tired of the old traditional "churchianity". They want something fresh and real without the "show" and the "dressing up". They want something REAL that is down to earth and something as primitive and simple as meeting in a livingroom for group Bible study and prayer. Here's my issue...instead of begging God to eventually bless what we're doing....why don't we just do what God is blessing and reap his harvest?
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Old 09-02-2008, 03:41 PM
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Re: Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
True, my pastor is already dropping terms like "emergent", "organic", "relevant", etc in his sermons. I'm thinking they had a leadership seminar on it or something.

I think people are different by nature. Some will never be won to the Lord in the traditional models of church. I honestly believe that various forms of churches and ministries can function in harmony to reach all stripes of individuals. But apparently not everyone thinks this way.

I'm afraid that they're missing a major opportunity. Most of the Evangelical churches I know who are leary of the emergent or relevancy movements are leary of it because of the possibility of "heresy" and...denial of the essentiality of belief in the Trinity among emergents. Frankly, that's an open door for Oneness teaching.

In one Bible study our Pastor talked about how fast the emergent and house church groups are growing throughout American Christianity. And then he admonished us to do more door knocking and outreach to get people to come to church as opposed to becoming connected with this movement. But here's the deal....those movements are growing in America because most Americans are tired of the old traditional "churchianity". They want something fresh and real without the "show" and the "dressing up". They want something REAL that is down to earth and something as primitive and simple as meeting in a livingroom for group Bible study and prayer. Here's my issue...instead of begging God to eventually bless what we're doing....why don't we just do what God is blessing and reap his harvest?

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Old 09-02-2008, 04:25 PM
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Re: Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

Back in the 40's it was the 'latter rain' then 70's& 80's the "charismatic renewal" now "the emerging church" same ole hag in a new dress. The doctrine of 'no doctrine.' The wiseman said 'there is nothing new under the Sun.' God is doing a 'new thing.' It never ends and it is always the same.
If time allows check back on them in 30 years.
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:22 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

I think you should let the churches who are attempting to be relevant declare themselves.
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:26 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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Re: Relevant/Journey OP Churches a Threat?

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
I think you should let the churches who are attempting to be relevant declare themselves.
That might be fast becoming a scarlet letter, Mizzy.
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