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Old 08-12-2008, 04:40 AM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

Having been on this planet for fifty plus years, being born AFTER world war two, but growing up in an environment where its impact was still GREATLY felt and helped shape the (then) culture of the times, I am really very amazed at how the current invasion of Georgia by Russia and the virtually NON existent world uproar against it, very much reminds me of the German flexing of ITS muscles in the mid to late thirties.

I think with each new gain of territory combined with the worlds basic DO NOTHING response, a weakend Germany bounced back moth Morale wise and finance wise, enabling it to push the entire globe into a bloody and vicious world war.

Here again I see the world barely reacting to the invasion of the Republic of Georgia, why, even the OIL MARKETS are not responding! This must be MOST encouraging to Russia, as the timing of this invasion (The beginning of the weekend when most news desks are at bare boned staffing) combined with the Olympics drawing the rest of the news medias attention, was obviously deliberate.

What gets me is that really, what is the international response to this other than a few "You shouldn'ta hadn't oughtn't a done thises" ? After Georgia what is next? The Ukraine? The Baltic States (I would think those would come a little later, maybe Latvia being first on the schedule.

I am sure that Putin "Pooty Poot" as George bush calls him must be scratching his head thinking "I was expecting a MUCH bigger response and this is all that happens? Kind of like Hitler in the thirties (You know the man was absolutely amazed how their was virtually NO resistance to his advances!)

It will be interesting to see what develops net, but liek WWII I dont think they will be that quick of an assortment of military advances. No in the beggining maybe one every eight or nine months picking up speed as the world plunges towards war.

Do you think this is just ANOTHER conflict , or do you see something more sinister in Russias reawakening and invasion of a sovereign nation?
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Old 08-12-2008, 08:31 AM
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Re: Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

May be Russia positioning herself to support Iran, since Georgia is between the two nations. With all the pressuring being put on Iran, Russia may be pushing back for Iran.

Nato should stand against Russia, but who else can?
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Old 08-12-2008, 08:46 AM
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Re: Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

I don´t know if we are concering what is happening but yes I think in time these conflicts will get bigger and bigger...they may die down for a while but it will rise up again. (just my opinion)
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Old 08-12-2008, 11:12 AM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Re: Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

Sitting here listening to Bill O
Reilly on the internet and his opening statement concerning the Georgia situation is this...
"If the US doesn't wise up and fast we are going to find ourselves in World War Three within five years."

Amazing , so there are other people out there just as concerned by this and the trend that lays in back of it! Scary.
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Old 08-12-2008, 11:37 AM
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Re: Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
Having been on this planet for fifty plus years, being born AFTER world war two, but growing up in an environment where its impact was still GREATLY felt and helped shape the (then) culture of the times, I am really very amazed at how the current invasion of Georgia by Russia and the virtually NON existent world uproar against it, very much reminds me of the German flexing of ITS muscles in the mid to late thirties.

I think with each new gain of territory combined with the worlds basic DO NOTHING response, a weakend Germany bounced back moth Morale wise and finance wise, enabling it to push the entire globe into a bloody and vicious world war.

Here again I see the world barely reacting to the invasion of the Republic of Georgia, why, even the OIL MARKETS are not responding! This must be MOST encouraging to Russia, as the timing of this invasion (The beginning of the weekend when most news desks are at bare boned staffing) combined with the Olympics drawing the rest of the news medias attention, was obviously deliberate.

What gets me is that really, what is the international response to this other than a few "You shouldn'ta hadn't oughtn't a done thises" ? After Georgia what is next? The Ukraine? The Baltic States (I would think those would come a little later, maybe Latvia being first on the schedule.

I am sure that Putin "Pooty Poot" as George bush calls him must be scratching his head thinking "I was expecting a MUCH bigger response and this is all that happens? Kind of like Hitler in the thirties (You know the man was absolutely amazed how their was virtually NO resistance to his advances!)

It will be interesting to see what develops net, but liek WWII I dont think they will be that quick of an assortment of military advances. No in the beggining maybe one every eight or nine months picking up speed as the world plunges towards war.

Do you think this is just ANOTHER conflict , or do you see something more sinister in Russias reawakening and invasion of a sovereign nation?
I think we (America) are in a tough situation. We do risk a world war if we step in and help Georgia, and at the same time it worries me that we seem to be doing nothing about this brutal invasion. You know it is a balancing act trying to stop a nation like Russia or China without risking all out war.
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Old 08-12-2008, 12:09 PM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Re: Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
I think we (America) are in a tough situation. We do risk a world war if we step in and help Georgia, and at the same time it worries me that we seem to be doing nothing about this brutal invasion. You know it is a balancing act trying to stop a nation like Russia or China without risking all out war.

I know! It's a very precarious situation! If we do NOTHING then Russia will only be emboldened to try it again! If we do SOMETHING there is no telling what the outcome would be!

Georgia apparently is the most pro western of all the former Soviet Republics, and we cant dissapoint their confidence in us.

Now the NATO nations must seriously consider the possibilities of future conflict with the reawakening Russia.
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Old 08-16-2008, 09:52 PM
IsolatedSaint IsolatedSaint is offline
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Re: Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
I know! It's a very precarious situation! If we do NOTHING then Russia will only be emboldened to try it again! If we do SOMETHING there is no telling what the outcome would be!

Georgia apparently is the most pro western of all the former Soviet Republics, and we cant dissapoint their confidence in us.

Now the NATO nations must seriously consider the possibilities of future conflict with the reawakening Russia.
Mainstream Media is lying to you all.......Georgia is the one that initiated this conflict, not Russia, and that on purpose by design in order to pick a fight with Russia and launch WW3. And yes WW3 is eminent....this is not going to be another one of those ARMED CHAIR QUARTERBACK type wars like Iraq and Afghanistan where it doesn't physically in a direct way affect us.
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Old 08-16-2008, 11:54 PM
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Re: Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

Originally Posted by IsolatedSaint View Post
Mainstream Media is lying to you all.......Georgia is the one that initiated this conflict, not Russia, and that on purpose by design in order to pick a fight with Russia and launch WW3. And yes WW3 is eminent....this is not going to be another one of those ARMED CHAIR QUARTERBACK type wars like Iraq and Afghanistan where it doesn't physically in a direct way affect us.
What he said.....
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Old 08-12-2008, 02:08 PM
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Re: Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

Russia is showing they have no fear of America. We had just finished war games there within the last few weeks. I assume to coordinate a response to a Russian invasion. Lot of good that did.

We still have 150 military advisors on the ground there as we speak. It is being said by some in the media that the Russians brought in 2 tactical nukes just in case we did respond.

If a war breaks out with Russia one of us will go nuclear fast. It may not happen this time around but its something we will have to be concerned about the rest of our lives.

The ridiculous myth that America is the worlds only superpower has been exposed. Russia has an Army that last I heard was larger than ours. It is perhaps not quite as advanced in some areas of tech as we are but in other areas may be ahead.

The Russians have THOUSANDS of nuclear weapons. It would only take a mere 10-15 of them to destroy practically our whole way of life.

And here America is all worried about Iran which we say we will attack if they try to get a nuke. The politicians have been totally negligent. It is RUSSIA AND CHINA who we should be concerned about. We are wasting BILLIONS on Iraq who we also wanted to make sure had no WMD.

There are 2 reasons we have not attacked Iran.


This may well have been a warning to America and Israel NOT to invade Iran. After all it is the RUSSIANS who are building Irans nuclear plants.

Having said these things my thinking is that America is ripe for judgment. It may not be long. The other nations are also ripe. Dwell in the secret place.
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Old 08-12-2008, 02:10 PM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Re: Are we at the beginning of a major world war?

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post

Having said these things my thinking is that America is ripe for judgment. It may not be long. The other nations are also ripe. Dwell in the secret place.

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