Originally Posted by mizpeh
A generation that didn't grow up knowing God or the ways of God and ended up doing what was right in their own eyes or following the ways of the people who they lived among.
Judges 2:10
Keep reading the histrory of Israel and Judah. You find that what happened most often was that a generation arose that professed to "know God" but in reality had no clue as to what God was about to do. Notice especially and compare the prophecises of Jeremiah with those of his contemporaries.
Also, follow the ministries of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. Check out
Ezra 3:12 - the "old men wept..." while the young men shouted. I heard a great preacher preach a sermon at GC on this once and he preached it all around the country after that...
He complained that only the "old men" knew what the glory of God was like but that the "young men" were ignorant. He went on to try and tell us that there were men alive in the days of Ezra who were present when Solomon's temple was dedicated. ???
It was at that point that I knew that I was NOT hearing from God that day. C'mon... at least READ the passages you're going to be preaching on!
The entire book of Haggai is a rebuke to those "old men" and the true prophet of God spares nothing in condemning the "old men" for their blindness.
That's one big difference that I've seen in the various "generations" today... there's a younger generation that actually reads the Book.
Finally, look at how those who followed "the old paths" treated Jesus Christ. You still see a lot of that going on today.