I have read numerous posts where folks say that an Internet forum can't/shouldn't be able to change a person's views on doctrine, standards, etc. We're just here for the fellowship.
Folks want to allow Branamites, two god proponents, anti-standards, trinitarian sympathizers, etc. to voice their opinions, while cheering them on and then say that a person that is seduced by the false doctrine is "weak" or "didn't really believe it".
Folks, words mean something, words are powerful, words can and do change people's lives and YOU are aware of it.
There is a mentality that is published that "I used to be under bondage to a preacher, but look at me now... I'm free from standards" and the posters start their applause for another one that has embarked on the slippery slope and is making the transition to liberal land.
Please don't think that everyone is naive and act like there is not a thrust to proselytize.
I have read numerous posts where folks say that an Internet forum can't/shouldn't be able to change a person's views on doctrine, standards, etc. We're just here for the fellowship.
Folks want to allow Branamites, two god proponents, anti-standards, trinitarian sympathizers, etc. to voice their opinions, while cheering them on and then say that a person that is seduced by the false doctrine is "weak" or "didn't really believe it".
Folks, words mean something, words are powerful, words can and do change people's lives and YOU are aware of it.
There is a mentality that is published that "I used to be under bondage to a preacher, but look at me now... I'm free from standards" and the posters start their applause for another one that has embarked on the slippery slope and is making the transition to liberal land.
Please don't think that everyone is naive and act like there is not a thrust to proselytize.
So, how did people get swayed BEFORE the internet?
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
As I've been stating all along, the internet is just a tool, like a book, or a discussion group.
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
I personally have witnessed this on these forums good folks maybe not grounded as they should be or maybe the lack of teaching in their lives. I have thought some visit these forums to make converts OUT of Apostolic folks. There was a time on FCF I pmed a poster and asked why was it that only when a certain subject was being discussed they came in like a flood? While this poster claimed to believe in the necessity of the new birth of water & Spirit they never argued for it and other subjects only certain subjects. I told them point blank they were trying to convert the unstable. They denied it but still did not come to the defence of the new birth message.
Yes there are agendas on these forums.