When I started typing this post, I glanced at the clock and it
read exactly 8:00 p. m. We married at 8:00 p.m.
Forty-nine years ago, July 11, 1959, I married my beloved husband.
Sometimes it seems like yesterday and then sometimes it seems longer.
Two days before the 4th, our six adult children and their families
presented us with a surprise trip to a very nice place in Branson, MO.
They had all been in Branson but we never had. We had two days to
get ready so we had to really get busy. It was wonderful and we would
not have come home until Sunday, but my brother, just younger than
myself, was trimming trees yesterday and the ladder shifted and the ten
foot ladder shifted, and the ladder went one way and he went the other.
Please pray for my brother, James. He underwent surgery today for a
broken pelvis, broken in more than one place. But we know a GOD who is
well able to "fix" that which is broken, whether it be a heart or our body!
This morning as we were returning to Texas, I felt waves of emotions
sweep over me as the memories of forty-nine years flooded my mind.
How GREAT God has been and continues to be to our family. His goodness
and mercy, His love and care, just reminds me what an AWESOME, WONDER-
FUL GOD we are SO priviledged to know, love and serve! I just wanted to
express how much I LOVE and ADORE HIM! He is the reason for the wonder-
ful gifts of family, marriage, children, grandchildren, good health, and so
many other blessings too numerous to name!
Forgive me if I seem overly expressive tonight, but I feel SO blessed!
Just want to tell You, I'm Thankful for all that You have done;
For the stars and the moonlight, and the setting sun.
When my work on earth is through, I'm coming Home to be with You,
Just want to tell You, I'm thankful, that's all!