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Old 07-09-2008, 11:11 AM
SDG SDG is offline

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God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fails

God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When Holy Hair Fails

Posted by Daniel Alicea

Posted @www.holymagichair.com

The following is a excerpted from a June 2003 forum thread (GoodNewsCafe) in which, ForeverBlessed, shares her frustrations as a believer in trusting that "Holy Hair" could bring God's favor and protection in her life and not getting the expected results.

Surely, this is an unintended consequence. Yet, when doctrine is based in error it produces confusion, frustration and doubt.

The writer's views on uncut hair do not necessarily reflect the views of the contributors of the blog site or it's readers.

Source: GoodNewsCafe

I can no longer believe that I need to do anything or sacrifice anything to obtain grace, mercy or favor before my God. We are not saved by works, and neither can we obtain favor through works.

Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

To feel that I can have any special power with God through keeping my hair uncut, I am taking away from the sacrifice that he made on Calvary.

Heb 10:19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, Heb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

He is there for me, covering me with his grace and mercy because I am blood bought child of his. Anything I need, I find in him, but only through his sacrifice.

I refrained from cutting my hair for about three years. 1999-2002. I prayed every day asking God's protection on my family. I didn't like my hair, but felt I was making a sacrifice with my hair, and God would honor it.

Growing up, I never actually cut my hair until I had a bad perm, and I was an adult. As a teen, I would cut some wispy bangs, but my length was never touched, but it was only shoulder length. I will agree, that I just followed a UPCI rule.

Two of my sisters kept their hair trimmed. We were all used in ministries, but one sister refused to cut her hair, she had heard something preached by Lee Stoneking.

My brother/now pastor, admitted to me that he couldn't stand really long hair, and didn't have much of a problem that his sisters cut their hair. When he married a women who's father was ultra conservative, he changed his mind. Then he gets on the Ruth Reider band wagon.

When I moved to MI, I had it coming from all sides, people trying to make me understand that I wasn't supposed to trim my hair. I faced a lot of judgmental attitudes. Long hair, I could understand, no problem. Uncut hair, I didn't. I did want to fit in though. You would have to understand my personality. I would do about anything, if required, if it meant I was more acceptable in the UPCI ranks. Might not like it, but would do it. That is just me.

I had also met a friend that I admired and respected in MI. My hair being trimmed really bothered her. I agreed to study it. I asked my brother about it for guidance, he gave me a Ruth's first book. I read it.

Wow, you mean by keeping my hair uncut, I could have special power in prayer, and be a rear guard in protection for my family?

You notice how sometimes we are so willing to want to help things along by works, and not trust God. I swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. There wasn't much I wouldn't do to protect my family. They mean everything to me.

Ddc, you know some of my past history with my husband, I honestly asked God to keep him from the pull that the World had on him with drugs. I told God that I would sacrifice my hair, my own personal feelings or fleshly desires concerning my hair. I would not cut it. I asked God to honor it.

Just before Christmas of 2001, I found evidence of drug usage with my husband again. I really never confided in anyone, it took months before I even went to talk to my Bro/pastor about it. My hair was very long and was still uncut.

I cried, why didn't God honor my sacrifice? I hated my hair past my backside. I couldn't wear it down, it was too long. At least one foot of it was thin and straggly. I had to wear my hair up all the time, and it made me look older. I just didn't understand. When I asked my brother why??? Why could this happen when I had kept my end of the bargain so to speak?

He said God couldn't go against someone else's will and that is why my husband did what he did. Then he said I don't believe that theory concerning protecting through hair. I flat out asked him, well haven't you read her books? Come to find out, he hadn't, he promoted them, but hadn't read them. I still don't know if he has read them or not. He did admit to me another time later on, that I wasn't the only one who didn't agree with Ruth Reider, many other preachers didn't either.

I decided if I wasn't able to keep my family protected through prayer with my hair, then I don't have the desire to keep it uncut. Keep it long as my glory, yes, but not unkempt from not trimming.

Then I faced another obstacle. I wanted to trim my hair to a more manageable length, but now I was under FEAR.. You see, Ruth teaches in her book, of God removing the Glory from your life when you cut or trim your hair. I was then fearful of cutting my hair. I would cry... I was torn. I no longer believed what she taught, but now was held by fear. I was fearful, and we all know that fear is not of God. My husband was making comments about my hair never being worn down, he like it down. I told him I couldn't wear it down with scraggly uneven ends. He told me to trim them up a bit. I was fearful, but I did trim about two inches of very, very thin hair at the very ends. It wasn't even enough to notice, just cleaned it up some.

Three weeks later, my world,( so I thought at the time), really began to crumble around me. I had the house fire, and then a few weeks later, my husband left and basically deserted his family. What else bad could happen to me now? I found myself looking for the next blow. The enemy tormented me that I was the fault of everything that had happened. The torment and heaviness that weighed on my shoulders, as the devil tried to lay this blame on me. Even though I was aware of his drug usage some eight months earlier. After all the details began to be revealed to me after he left, did I realize, I am not the one responsible for what happened. He had been actively participating in everything long, long before I decided to trim a little from my hair.

The house fire turned out to be one of the biggest blessings. The night of the fire, finances were not so Good, my husband wasn't working good, pot really keeps him from being motivated. Our bills were all behind. Six hours after the fire, I was cut a check for $2,000 and told that that should keep me through the weekend and they would take care of everything Monday morning. I took that money and paid our bills up. To me that was just the first blessing from that fire. No one was hurt, I had everything replaced for new, no burn damage to my things. What was replaced was just from smoke and damage from firefighters. God had his hand of protection on my family that night. Surely Mercy and Grace did follow me, no one was hurt. My old house had so many code violations, that were all brought up to code and paid for by my insurance policy. I got a complete new interior remodeling upstairs, and that way the only part of the house we hadn't started on in our remodeling. I don't look at the fire being destruction being brought upon me.

Bro. Jim Yohe helped me understand during this time that God is my Father, and even if trimming my hair was going against him, the punishment just didn't fit the crime. Would my natural Father who loved me, ever bring upon me hurt and pain for something so trivial? Why then would my Heavenly Father, who loves me that much more, allow that to happen to me. Bad things just happen to good people.

I have done a lot of studying about the hair, I have prayed and even fasted. I had been tormented so, that I fasted two days for the purpose only of hair. I was studying one night, and began to cry when the following scripture popped out to me. I felt such a peace as tears continued to flow down my cheeks.
Rom 14:22 Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.

I am one that has suffered much from condemnation placed on me by other people. I serve God with all honesty of heart, and I don't condemn other's. Why do they feel the need to condemn me or my life?

As a women, I embrace the femininity that God gave me. I love long hair, I just like to trim it and keep it looking nice.

v. trimmed, trim·ming, trims
To make neat or tidy by clipping, smoothing, or pruning:

After researching it, I just don't see the scripture as saying long equals uncut. If God gave me beautiful hair as my glory, I want to keep it nice.

God has dealt with me concerning being in subjection to my pastor, and his teachings. God is working on me, and I am doing better, but submitting to his beliefs is the only reason, because I do not believe it for myself.
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Old 07-09-2008, 11:17 AM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Re: God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fa

I'm sorry this happened, but I still believe a woman's hair should be uncut.

It's a shame that FB was misled like this.
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Old 07-09-2008, 11:34 AM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fa

Submission to a pastor is the ONLY reason I would not cut my hair and I submit to my pastor so that I will be in submission to God.

Like FB, I agree that uncut scraggly hair is not a glory, long hair is a glory but not uncut hair.

Thanks for the testimony, FB.
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To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
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Old 07-09-2008, 11:56 AM
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Re: God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fa

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
Submission to a pastor is the ONLY reason I would not cut my hair and I submit to my pastor so that I will be in submission to God.
Paul stated that his disciples were to follow him as he followed Christ. Should we follow someone who teaches something we don't feel is scriptural?
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Old 07-09-2008, 12:12 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fa

Originally Posted by ReformedDave View Post
Paul stated that his disciples were to follow him as he followed Christ. Should we follow someone who teaches something we don't feel is scriptural?
The reason I said what I did is I'm willing to let a minor point (like not cutting my hair go) even though I don't believe the Bible teaches that a woman can't cut their hair IF I feel God wants me in a certain congregation. In some places in this country there are many many miles between apostolic churches. Going to an Apostolic church which may have outward holiness standards is more acceptable to me than going to a church that doesn't teach full salvation.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
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Old 07-09-2008, 12:17 PM
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Re: God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fa

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
The reason I said what I did is I'm willing to let a minor point (like not cutting my hair go) even though I don't believe the Bible teaches that a woman can't cut their hair IF I feel God wants me in a certain congregation. In some places in this country there are many many miles between apostolic churches. Going to an Apostolic church which may have outward holiness standards is more acceptable to me than going to a church that doesn't teach full salvation.
It all depends how 'minor' something is. If it is a standard that puts us in right standing with God then that's not a minor issue. I'm not judging you or your pastor. Just making an observation and asking a general question.
"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."

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Old 07-09-2008, 12:25 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fa

Originally Posted by ReformedDave View Post
It all depends how 'minor' something is. If it is a standard that puts us in right standing with God then that's not a minor issue. I'm not judging you or your pastor. Just making an observation and asking a general question.
I agree, a standard that puts us in a right standing with God is not minor.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
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Old 07-09-2008, 12:24 PM
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Re: God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fa

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
The reason I said what I did is I'm willing to let a minor point (like not cutting my hair go) even though I don't believe the Bible teaches that a woman can't cut their hair IF I feel God wants me in a certain congregation. In some places in this country there are many many miles between apostolic churches. Going to an Apostolic church which may have outward holiness standards is more acceptable to me than going to a church that doesn't teach full salvation.
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Old 07-09-2008, 11:37 AM
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Re: God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fa

I hope I can say this without seeming callous. (doubtful...LOL)

Anecdotes and stories cannot disprove a doctrine anymore than they can effectively support it. Too many stories, and it becomes sensationalism, unless carefully edited.

Do we stop believing in healing when God doesn't heal someone? Do we believe that people are only allowed to remain ill when THEY don't have enough faith? Sticking to scripture is what will show this doctrine up for what it is--utter folly.

I feel that in our discussions the last few days, there have been some lines blurred between people who believe in uncut hair, and people who believe in magic hair.

What FB's story does present in sad fashion is the discouragement that can befall a believer who has been led to trust in some extra-curricular work, rather than trusting in God. The Magic Hair doctrine is, potentially, a HUGE stumbling block and disappointment to many women, as is perfectly illustrated here.

I keep trying to express what I find troubling about this doctrine, and I have yet to do it in a way that satisfies me.
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Old 07-09-2008, 11:56 AM
SDG SDG is offline

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Re: God, Is My Obededience Not Enough?: When HH Fa

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
I hope I can say this without seeming callous. (doubtful...LOL)

Anecdotes and stories cannot disprove a doctrine anymore than they can effectively support it. Too many stories, and it becomes sensationalism, unless carefully edited.

Do we stop believing in healing when God doesn't heal someone? Do we believe that people are only allowed to remain ill when THEY don't have enough faith? Sticking to scripture is what will show this doctrine up for what it is--utter folly.

I feel that in our discussions the last few days, there have been some lines blurred between people who believe in uncut hair, and people who believe in magic hair.

What FB's story does present in sad fashion is the discouragement that can befall a believer who has been led to trust in some extra-curricular work, rather than trusting in God. The Magic Hair doctrine is, potentially, a HUGE stumbling block and disappointment to many women, as is perfectly illustrated here.

I keep trying to express what I find troubling about this doctrine, and I have yet to do it in a way that satisfies me.
Miss B said:

Sticking to scripture is what will show this doctrine up for what it is--utter folly.
I agree that this must be refuted by the theologians. It will be their ability to do so that will lend credence to or invalidate this doctrine.

I know PO has advocated that approach and that approach alone.

Here's the dilemma however,

Most that eat this type of doctrine up ... are not concerned about the nuances and theological sticking points, Miss B. Rather the extra promises and the validation it brings in living a "sacrificial" and "separation" through this one act of obedience.

Speaking to a young lady last night ... who bought into this at around 17-18 years old ... this was what appealed to her ... she did not have the theological wherewithal to clearly understand what she was learning at conferences taught by RR in her home district in New Mexico.

She was the only one in church in her family .... she was struggling to keep the faith ... and something like this ... made her feel she walked w/ angels.

Her and FB's story tell what happens when we take a doctrine and try to sell it to those that are in a gullible state ....

RR in her book does promise extra protection afforded by a woman's glory... which of course ... you know ... but not many of our readers.

..... on page 68, the author claims that since the “armor of God” (presumably from Ephesians 6:11, although not stated) does not include protection for the back, God has provided such protection in a woman’s hair, based on Isaiah 58:8 (“…the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.”). If this were true, then what about a man’s back? Did God leave men vulnerable to attack from behind, but made women more secure? Of course not. Then she ties this idea to Titus 2:5 (“To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”) to make the point that women are “to be a guard that will beware of any evil that would try to come into your homes” (p. 69), followed by the statement, “Your uncut hair brings protection to your entire family” (p. 69).

In order to prove her point, the author relates a story involving a young married couple who were Bible school students. Apparently, the husband committed adultery, and “their lives were shattered, and their ministry was completely ruined.” This is alleged to have occurred as a result of the wife’s prior indiscretion of cutting her hair: “the spirit of vanity had caused her to become more concerned about the appearance of her split ends than about her obedience to God” (p. 69).

This is irresponsible, manipulative and misleading. It is one of several anecdotes which the author uses to give credence to her fallacious claims, which amount to nothing more than superstition, making female hair a sort of magic talisman to keep at bay the lurking evil spirits which would otherwise invade and take over the home and family, and against which men are otherwise powerless. But wait, there’s more:

“Can our husband’s hearts safely trust in us to guard the glory and to insure divine protection for our family so that no wicked spirit can enter in to spoil us?” (p. 70)

“Can the Lord depend on you to guard the glory faithfully and diligently?” (p. 70)

“Husbands are put there as a safeguard for the woman as she carries out this wondrously important duty that God has entrusted to her hands…guarding the glory and insuring divine protection for your family.” (p. 72, 73)
There is something to be said about what this teaching means in it's practical application, also. We find women who will, unfortunately, focus one area of their lives and may not realize the bigger picture of God's sovereignty, His Word and His promises.

For this reason stories like these I believe have some weight in this discussion. As corroborating evidence, so to speak of the dangers it poses to the faith community.
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