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Old 06-06-2008, 05:31 AM
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Smile Shalom y'all!

Peace unto you, my friends!
Shalom aleichem!

Talking about myself isn't easy, but here goes...

Both of my parents have Jewish roots but neither were religious. All Jewish boys have a Bris (the Jewish circumcision thing, but we won't talk about that...), and that was the extent of my Jewish upbringing. When it came to faith, my parents raised me without any, and I was left to discover Truth on my own.

While my Jewish friends in school had Bar-Mitzvah ceremonies at the age of 13, I was not one of them. Instead of a Bar-Mitzvah, my Mom gave me a Bible. Little did she know that it was the best thing she could have given me, because I read it nearly every night. I read what Christians call The Old Testament all the time and the concept of One God was instilled in me at an early age. Then I would try reading The New Testament, but the words didn't make sense to me.

I spent a lot of time trying to understand the words of Jesus. People said He was The Jewish Messiah, but it didn't seem like it when I would read the words of Paul. Growing up, the Old Testament was as clear as crystal, while the New Testament was as clear as mud. However, I knew there was something about Jesus because billions of people couldn't be wrong about Him.

After 18 years of searching for dynamic and philosophical truth, I prayed to God and basically said, "God, lead me to Truth." I cracked open my Bible and the verse that jumped out at me was, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" (1 Cor 3:16) I knew the Truth was out there somewhere waiting for me and I was convinced that I would find it in a Church instead of a traditional synagogue.

Growing up, I had three questions:
  1. What is this 'Trinity' that people keep talking about and why is it a mystery?
  2. Why do Christians no longer honor the Fourth Commandment?
  3. Why are certain things prohibited by God in the Old Testament but are now acceptable in the New Testament?

The church I would join would be the one that would have the answers to these questions.

My next step was by divine design. After spending time in several churches, I ended up attending my very first Apostolic service in Bellflower, CA on Easter Sunday in '96 and the visitors were Bro. & Sis Urshan (of blessed memory) and the love of God was in that church building. I knew I'd found a house of prayer where people worship in Spirit and Truth.

I was given a Bible study there and the answer to my question about the Trinity was revealed: there is no Trinity because Jesus IS the trinity! I found the answer to my first question and I figured I'd get the answers to the other two somewhere in the immediate future. My friends said, "You've joined a 'Jesus Only' church." I replied, "No, I've joined a 'Jesus Everything!' church!" I lost friends because of it, but Scripture said it would happen.

Shortly after, I was baptized in the Name of Jesus for the remission of sins, and I emerged from the baptistery with stammering lips, filled with the Holy Ghost! That was 12 years ago and the Bellflower church is my home, a place where I have family.

After baptism, The Bible was suddenly a new and exciting book for me. I started seeing Jesus as the ultimate Jewish man. He kept the commandments, obeyed The Law of God perfectly, observed all of the Feasts of The LORD, and taught His disciples to do the same. After removing myself from my 20th/21st Century mindset and looking at the Apostolic Writings in their original 1st Century context, the 'hard sayings' of Jesus weren't so hard to understand anymore.

One of the most misunderstood people in the Apostolic Writings is the Apostle Paul. When he talks about people who choose to be 'under The Law,' he is not talking about people who observe The Law. Instead, I perceive him to be referring to people who choose to earn salvation through observing The Law instead of placing their trust and belief in the atoning work Jesus performed at Calvary.

There's more to tell, but it's hard to talk about me. I'll add more, LORD willing...

May the Grace and Peace of Yeshua, our Messiah, be upon my Apostolic brothers and sisters! Shalom!
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Old 06-06-2008, 05:40 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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Re: Shalom y'all!

Shalom and welcome my brother in the name of Yeshua the Messiah!

Baruch HaShem Adonia Yehsua HaMeshiach!
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Old 06-06-2008, 10:23 AM
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Re: Shalom y'all!

Welcome Nuebill!

So glad you have joined us here. It sounds like you'll be bringing some meat to the table around here!
'Some folk don't understand that the middle "F" in AFF is the most important ingredient!' -noeticknight
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Old 06-06-2008, 04:50 PM
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Re: Shalom y'all!

Thanks for the welcome!

Originally Posted by The Mrs View Post
Welcome Nuebill!

So glad you have joined us here. It sounds like you'll be bringing some meat to the table around here!
Strictly kosher, of course...

...and thanks for your hospitality!
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Old 06-06-2008, 06:53 PM
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More about the twice-born Jew

Man, it's hard to talk about yourself. Anyway, here's more.

They say the life of a new convert is tough in the beginning. I'm told it's even tougher for Muslims and Jews. It was tough for me.

In the summer of '98, I was a new convert (a point of contention, but that's for another thread...), and barely knowledgeable about the Apostolic beliefs and lifestyle when Jesus chose to remove my precious wife of nine years from this earth and bring her home into His Arms. We were in church on a Sunday morning and she was with The LORD that Sunday night. She was a Leukemia survivor and Jesus gave her eight years longer than the doctors gave her. She was a Trinitarian Pentecostal Pastor's Kid and we discovered Apostolic Truth together. She loved Jesus, was great at so many things, and wow could she cook! Now she's helping to prepare The Marriage Supper of The Lamb.

We had no kids together. Though I knew in my heart that she was where she wanted to be, it didn't make my life easier. I was at the lowest point in my life, with rejection from family and friends for not only being a Believer, but being an Apostolic; rejection from my wife's family because I was a living reminder that their daughter/sister was gone, and since they couldn't blame G-d, they blamed me; the icing on the cake was the remaining medical bills from prior years treatments to the tune of $20,000. But I still had my Messiah. He was my only hope and I told Him so.

Then The Master started making things happen for me. First, He put my heart back together. Then He took care of the debt. After that, He made things happen which revealed to me that I needed to love my wife's family from a distance. G-d dealt with the Present and would reveal the path I would travel in the next ten years, from '98-'08.

While retaining my Apostolic identity (I'm a Oneness Acts 2:38 Believer to the core), G-d transformed me into the Jew that He has desired for me to be from the beginning: a Jew of the Messianic/Nazarene (that's what they call us in Israel) sect. The Apostles were of this sect. My life has not been the same since.

2000 years ago, The Good News was given to the Jew first and then to the Greek. Sadly, people stopped giving it to the Jews. It seems like everywhere I go, I run into Jews. It became clear to me that the best way I can love my Jewish family and friends is to share The Master with them instead of keeping Him all to myself. It's my passion to give to my Jewish brethren the Good News of Jesus and the Acts 2:38 message of salvation.

G-d wants to restore His original 1st Century Apostolic Messianic Body of believers. The original body of believers were Messianic Jews. G-d's restoration is taking place as we speak. Online Judaica sites are thriving because their customer base has doubled from Believers who are buying mezuzahs, talits, and shofars. Christians are awakening to the Jewish roots of the faith because they're recognizing Jesus is not just The Savior, He's The Jewish Messiah! The growing Hebrew Roots Movement in the body of Christ testifies to this.

Jesus was a Jewish man who lived in a Jewish land amongst Jewish people immersed in Jewish culture who worshiped a Jewish God. Even the Hebrew name of Jesus is thoroughly Jewish. It is Yeshua, which means, 'ADONAI saves.' Our faith is Jewish and our G-d is Jewish.

It's my mission in life to tell my Jewish brothers that Jesus is Jewish and so is the Acts 2:38 gospel message.

I'm not a pot-stirrer, nor am I a Judaizer. I didn't join the AFF to provoke anybody, only the thoughts and minds of my Apostolic brethren.

Shalom uv'racha b'shem Yeshua Mishikheinu!
Peace and blessings in the Name of Yeshua, Our Messiah!
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Old 06-06-2008, 09:16 PM
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Re: More about the twice-born Jew

Originally Posted by Neubill View Post
Man, it's hard to talk about yourself. Anyway, here's more.
For it being hard to talk about yourself, it comes to you quite easily

It's great to have you here and I look forward to reading more of your posts.
Life is to short not to expose yourself to a holy God.
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Old 06-06-2008, 05:01 PM
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Re: Shalom y'all!

Welcome brother.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
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Old 06-06-2008, 08:57 PM
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Re: Shalom y'all!

Welcome and Shalom Neubill! Enjoyed the words of your introduction.
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Old 06-06-2008, 09:19 PM
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One last thing...

I would be remiss if I failed to mention that after G-d put my heart back together after losing my wife, He placed a beautiful woman in my life who started out as a friend, and it wasn't long before we enjoined in Holy Matrimony. She's been my best friend for eight years now and we have a precious 4-year old girl together.

When an ugly guy like me can be blessed to have not one but two beautiful spiritual women in my life, it just goes to show that G-d is still in the miracle working business.
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Old 06-06-2008, 09:19 PM
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Re: Shalom y'all!

It sounds like you have travelled a rough road. I applaud your perseverance in such a difficult time, under such difficult circumstances. I wish you well on your continued journey!

Also, you may want to check out our Deep Waters section of the forum found in The Sanctuary. There are many intellectual subjects found there that you may enjoy giving input on.

Again, welcome!
'Some folk don't understand that the middle "F" in AFF is the most important ingredient!' -noeticknight
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