My pastor reads some of the threads out here from time to time, and he told me a few weeks ago that somebody mentioned in a thread somewhere that, with the passing of Resolution 4, SISTER Murphy would probably be out tearing the UPC sign off the church. That was funny! Just for the record, our church is not affiliated with the UPC, nor does the church sign have UPC in it anywhere. Our pastor carries a UPC license, thus that is our connection to the Oregon District UPC.
So, yesterday afternoon, I was standing on a chair outside the window of the office complex where we have held services for years, and, I was pulling the church sign off of the window. My pastor (who was inside touching up some paint after tearing down a Sunday school theme in one of the classrooms) came out and said, "It's true! You can tell your friends out on that forum that you are tearing the church sign down after all!"
Now, the real reason for the sign removal is that we are finally out of that too small office complex, and headed to the grange hall for just a few services while our new building is being remodeled!!!!! If anybody is curious, here is a link to some pictures of the work in progress in our new building:
Brother Murphy is the guy down in the hole (we took out an old chimney and fireplace to put in a better basement entrance), and I am the gal in the next picture sitting on the ground outside the basement getting all of the bricks that were handed up by my dear hubby. Those handsome young fellows in the background with me were my eager assistants. My apologies in advance to those who might be offended by the nekkid elbows in the pictures; I confess, the Murphys are not true ultracons.
And here is the link to our church website:
We are growing, God is blessing, and it is so exciting!!!!!!!