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Old 08-26-2007, 12:01 AM
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Why You Should Vote IN FAVOR of Resolution 4

Why You Should Vote FOR Resolution Four

I know this will come as a shock, but after much consideration, I have come to the conclusion that voting in favor of resolution four (advertising on television) is in the best interest of the United Pentecostal Church. I will do my best to enumerate the reasons succinctly and straightforwardly.

1. Passing this resolution will bring unity. It has become obvious that those who have continued to vote against this measure are dividing this organization. On more than one occasion, they have said a resounding, “NO!” to what a number of other men dearly want. Their continued stand for what has been is evidently the cause of extreme divisiveness and animosity. They should stop standing in the way of “progress” and allow this fellowship to make this bold new move. By doing so, they will bring unity to the body, thus resulting in unprecedented endtime revival.

2. Passing this resolution will provide an easier method of evangelism. I, for one, am tired of knocking doors. I mean, how many churches have been built by such antiquated methods? Let’s be real – putting together a television ad (or, better yet, a program) will enable me to reach MILLIONS of people. Since the majority of the world has televisions, my ad/program will be all the world needs to start flocking to the UPCI in droves. I can have more free time, since I will no longer have to devote my Saturday mornings to other more ineffective methods of evangelism. In fact, we might as well recall the missionaries. Let the FMD put together ads in the various languages of the world and put them over the airwaves. People will undoubtedly be receiving the Holy Ghost during the time these things air. Since receiving the Holy Ghost is the main focus, by the way, that’s all they need. The Spirit will then lead them into the rest of the truth.

3. Passing this resolution will save us money.
In light of the facts presented in the previous paragraph, I won’t have to spend money on things like fliers, door hangers, Bible study charts, OR missionaries! I have been told that cable advertising is as cheap as – or cheaper than – radio. Thus, it is obviously a wise monetary decision to stop wasting church funds on things that are not reaching the world. A few dollars more wisely spent on television advertising/programming will be the last thing I will EVER need to spend money on – it will reach the WORLD!

4. Passing the resolution will purge the organization of unwanted and unnecessary members. We’ve all heard the “whiners” – “If you don’t play by the rules that have you’ve always used, we’re taking our toys and going home.” By voting in favor of this resolution, these people will either “put up or shut up.” Furthermore, I was personally told by a top official of this organization that we “don’t need” men who oppose the progressive agenda of the modern era. We are “better off without them,” he said to me. Far be it from me to be a weakening factor in the strength of this movement. By helping to pass this resolution, I will be able to walk away with my head held high, knowing I am making the UPCI better by my absence.

Well, there you have it. These are the reasons why I am encouraging everyone to vote in favor of resolution four.

By the way, I’m not being sarcastic. However, I have written this with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek.
"Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and
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Winston Churchill
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Old 08-26-2007, 12:18 AM
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Are you needing a little attention this morning KP, feeling a little lonely way out there in Kansas?
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Old 08-26-2007, 12:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Kansas Preacher View Post
By the way, I’m not being sarcastic. However, I have written this with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek.
sar·casm (sär'kāz'əm) Pronunciation Key
  1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
  2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
  3. The use of sarcasm.

A form of irony in which apparent praise conceals another, scornful meaning. For example, a sarcastic remark directed at a person who consistently arrives fifteen minutes late for appointments might be, “Oh, you've arrived exactly on time!”

37.(with) tongue in cheek, ironically or mockingly; insincerely.


It's sad when people can't make a decent appeal and have to resort to these sort of methods that serve more to get a back slap or high five by others of likemindedness than to actually defeat someone else argument and show the the truth.

It's no wonder there is so much disunity....there has always been differences with unity.
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  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 08-26-2007, 08:32 AM
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Kansas Preacher Kansas Preacher is offline
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
sar·casm (sär'kāz'əm) Pronunciation Key
  1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
  2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
  3. The use of sarcasm.

A form of irony in which apparent praise conceals another, scornful meaning. For example, a sarcastic remark directed at a person who consistently arrives fifteen minutes late for appointments might be, “Oh, you've arrived exactly on time!”

37.(with) tongue in cheek, ironically or mockingly; insincerely.


It's sad when people can't make a decent appeal and have to resort to these sort of methods that serve more to get a back slap or high five by others of likemindedness than to actually defeat someone else argument and show the the truth.

It's no wonder there is so much disunity....there has always been differences with unity.
Hey, it was all in fun.

Wordnet defines "tongue-in-cheeK" as "cleverly amusing in tone."

The American Heritage dictionary defines it as "ironically or facetiously."

"Facetious" is defined as "1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally; 2. amusing; humorous."

Believe it or not, there was nothing hateful intended by my post.
"Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and
any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains."
Winston Churchill
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Old 08-26-2007, 08:54 AM
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KP, nice satirical thread!

Keep in mind that there is nothing in the resolution REQUIRING any church to quit buying the door hangers and tracts to hand out to the masses!

Hey...this was effective in the 50's and 60's, so I don't see why it wouldn't be effective today!

Nobody is required to use billboards, newspaper, radio, magazines, internet or TV to advertise because we all know that these forms of advertisement also have beer and/or cigarette ads also! Some may not want to be associated with the world in any way!

Door hangers and tracts RULE!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-26-2007, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
KP, nice satirical thread!

Keep in mind that there is nothing in the resolution REQUIRING any church to quit buying the door hangers and tracts to hand out to the masses!

Hey...this was effective in the 50's and 60's, so I don't see why it wouldn't be effective today!

Nobody is required to use billboards, newspaper, radio, magazines, internet or TV to advertise because we all know that these forms of advertisement also have beer and/or cigarette ads also! Some may not want to be associated with the world in any way!

Door hangers and tracts RULE!!!!!!!!
You speak the truth! Since the world has not changed since the beginning of the 50's I think door knocking works. Unless you are one of the people that get a gun pulled on you then it might be a different world after all. PM, you your satirical statment is perfect. I remember jsut before joining our church in Knoxville the pasto put up a large billboard with a somewhat cheesy slogan. "It's a great day at Apostolic Church,' with his face on the billboard. The billboard was an advertisment for the broadcast. That was 20+ yrs ago and the slogan is still what we are known for. It worked for them.

I think that door knocking or meeting face to face is the most effective form or outreach. Though I think it is much easier if you have a repore with the person to lead them to Him. This is as oppose to meeting someone in the store and telling them they need the HG they might call the cops. I know you will agree...this is a totally different world and must be approached differently!
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
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Old 08-26-2007, 03:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
KP, nice satirical thread!

Keep in mind that there is nothing in the resolution REQUIRING any church to quit buying the door hangers and tracts to hand out to the masses!

Hey...this was effective in the 50's and 60's, so I don't see why it wouldn't be effective today!

Nobody is required to use billboards, newspaper, radio, magazines, internet or TV to advertise because we all know that these forms of advertisement also have beer and/or cigarette ads also! Some may not want to be associated with the world in any way!

Door hangers and tracts RULE!!!!!!!!
And infact nobody with half a brain has suggested this is the end all approach to outreach. It's really just another cog in the machine.
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 08-26-2007, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Kansas Preacher View Post
Hey, it was all in fun.

Wordnet defines "tongue-in-cheeK" as "cleverly amusing in tone."

The American Heritage dictionary defines it as "ironically or facetiously."

"Facetious" is defined as "1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally; 2. amusing; humorous."

Believe it or not, there was nothing hateful intended by my post.
lol...well Im sure someone thought it was amusing...if not all that clever
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 08-28-2007, 11:22 AM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
lol...well Im sure someone thought it was amusing...if not all that clever
Clever, amusing, and up past midnight!

For a conservative, he's quite the party animal!

Those that have discussed self control make a good point. But how do you all dovetail the teachings of self-determination and self-control with the biblical admonitions to be like children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, or to obey them that watch over you? How do you reconcile this with all the parables of sheep and good shepherds?

Not to make any accusations, but rather to make the observation that the mindset of self-determination can quickly lead people into an area of hard-heartedness where people are unable to bear sound doctrine.

Good shepherds continually monitor the sheep to keep them within safe perimeters, so they don’t wander off and become ensnared in difficult terrain or devoured by wild beasts. Occasionally, sheep become entangled in fences. That is a vivid thought for this analogy, and makes me wonder both about the attitude of a sheep that likes to constantly challenge the boundaries, and also about the construction of the fence. Seems like it might have some gaps in it. Shepherds will bind the sheep that tend to wander too much, and sometimes even break their legs so they will spend some time getting accustomed to close proximity to the shepherd.

If your pastor were to ask you to do something, like attend a special prayer meeting, or come to revival services, or teach a bible study, you’d probably recognize that he is encouraging you to do something for your own good, and you’d comply. But if his request were to invade the comfort zone, or invade some part of your private life or lifestyle, now all of a sudden he’s a controlling pastor? He makes a judgment call about which evangelist to bring in, what special services to hold, how to conduct outreach, and he’s making a judgment call about what is best for the sheep when he teaches restraint and constraints. Usually with your best interest at heart.

Self-control is essential, but it is also idealistic. Look around your church next Sunday and figure the percentage of skinny people in the congregation. Is there a lot of self-control represented? Everybody has various weaknesses. People don’t realize how sheep-like they really are. The self-determination movement can deceive people about their own decision making abilities, much to their long-term detriment. People will end up watching things that are inappropriate and harmful.

I’m not contentious or judgmental about TV. I have friends that have TV. I am being as sincere as I know how about this.

I have had my convictions reinforced by reading David Kupelian’s The Marketing of Evil.

It isn’t really possible to engage in informed discussion of the topic without reading this book.

It is made clear that when we dabble with television programming, we are ladling the sewage of the world into our own soup bowls. We teach certain right principles and worldviews in Sunday school and at home, and then we turn right around and support the writers and producers of programming in their blasphemy and in their undermining of all the Christianity stands for. Spiritual authority, male authority, righteousness, and self denial are ridiculed and carnality, wanton sex, greed, multiculturalism, moral relativism, situational ethics, and the homosexual agenda are promoted.

Some have said, what’s the big deal, the resolutions only cover advertising and televangelism. However, if the org approves these, they remove the legs from the arguments of any pastors that still teach their congregation to abstain from television programming. Such teaching would become inconsistent, regardless of what is stated in the articles of faith.

If the org approves these, they grant implicit approval to the partaking of television programming that is already going on, and probably encourage more of it, when they ought to be sounding the clarion call of warning.

Kansas Preacher, don’t stop warning people about the incompatibility between Christianity and the vast majority of television programming.
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Old 08-28-2007, 03:39 PM

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Self-control is essential, but it is also idealistic. Look around your church next Sunday and figure the percentage of skinny people in the congregation. Is there a lot of self-control represented? Everybody has various weaknesses. People don’t realize how sheep-like they really are. The self-determination movement can deceive people about their own decision making abilities, much to their long-term detriment. People will end up watching things that are inappropriate and harmful.

Self-control is essential, it promotes accountability with self. It balances your life out with what you see, hear, say and eat. Especially when no one is looking.:sshhh

I still don't understand how murder, adultery, idolatry, rape, incest homosexuality and other vile perversed sins were committed in the Bible when they didn't have any tv or internet to pursuade them or corrupt them. I guess it was "carnality" or their "flesh".
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