Why do some attempt to discount the OT in deciding what is and isn't appropriate behavior for Christians living by grace?
How is such a teaching justified? The spiritual principles in the OT and in the law are still valid, as God does not change.
How does one persuade such a thinker of the validity of OT principles, or even of simple common sense things that are only hinted at in the bible, if they react by running straight to ground and begin to ask things such as whether you wear blended fiber clothing?
What is the arbiter of things disallowed in the OT now allowed, and things allowed in the OT now disallowed?
How does a sincere and moderate seeker of truth explain the relevance of the OT to the all-or-nothing crowd?
Engineering solutions for theological problems.
Despite today's rising cost of living, it remains popular.
"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Sir Winston Churchill
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." - Benjamin Franklin
One must read the OT. in order to understand the NT.Because the NT. church had no NT.We must see how the early church understood the OT. in light of the new covenant.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
The handwriting of ordinances, the ceremonial observances, the animal scarifices, all these were nailed to the Cross.
But things in the Old Testament that reflect God's unchanging moral nature are still binding today.
Indeed. The civil law was nailed to the cross...that is the handwriting of ordinances that were against us. But God's moral rectitude has not nor will it change...ever...regardless of dispensation. He does however, reveal his commandments in a greater light than then.
There were only ten words, but David, as a prophet saw so much in those ten words that he said that he meditated upon them day and night. Paul saw so much in them that he called them "the spiritual law" because there are far more than ten "thou shalt and shalt nots."
What God saw as morally right for human conduct and what he saw that was morally wrong for human conduct has never changed for God does NOT change. People change as does dispensations and so does depth of understand, but God is IMMUTABLE.
The New Testament saints did not have Matthew, Mark, Luke and John together with the book of Acts. They had the scriptures to make one WISE. They found the will of God in the scriptures even while Paul was still a Jewish Zealot.
If youi can find the will of God according to a principle in the Old Testament, you can be certain that will has NOT changed. What has changed, God has opened up a new and a living way, a new covenant with man, wile the old covenant that he had with Israel has passed away. It is no longer binding.
The handwriting of ordinances, the ceremonial observances, the animal scarifices, all these were nailed to the Cross.
But things in the Old Testament that reflect God's unchanging moral nature are still binding today.
Is it silly to ask whether killing Uzzah for touching the ark reflects God's unchanging moral nature? Does His killing of children and infants to demonstrate his power say anything about His everlasting mercies?
My lack of good Biblical understanding is showing, yet again! Enlighten me!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Is it silly to ask whether killing Uzzah for touching the ark reflects God's unchanging moral nature? Does His killing of children and infants to demonstrate his power say anything about His everlasting mercies?
My lack of good Biblical understanding is showing, yet again! Enlighten me!
God has a much bigger picture, physical life in this world is not as important to Him as it is to mankind, He is working His ultimate purpose.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
God has a much bigger picture, physical life in this world is not as important to Him as it is to mankind, He is working His ultimate purpose.
Yes, that is apparently so, I have to agree. So, then what do we mean when we say things like "God is merciful" or "God is good"? We talk about God's everlasting mercy, but if it would not be possible (since we excuse literally anything he does) to disprove that assertion if it were actually false, then it is utterly meaningless. What could God possibly do to show that he actually isn't merciful or good (just supposing that were the case)? Kill someone for disobeying? Oops. It's been done. Even in the new covenant. Kill innocent children? Done. Command his followers to rape women, or take young virgins as slaves after killing their families, or slash pregnant women? Done.
If I made up a story of God performing some outrageous atrocity, you'd want my head on a platter. (OK, now I'm addressing the plural "you", or hypothetical "you", not necessarily you, CJ!) But you'd better look it up first to see if it just may be in the Bible. It might be hard to tell it apart from the real thing.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Yes, that is apparently so, I have to agree. So, then what do we mean when we say things like "God is merciful" or "God is good"? We talk about God's everlasting mercy, but if it would not be possible (since we excuse literally anything he does) to disprove that assertion if it were actually false, then it is utterly meaningless. What could God possibly do to show that he actually isn't merciful or good (just supposing that were the case)? Kill someone for disobeying? Oops. It's been done. Even in the new covenant. Kill innocent children? Done. Command his followers to rape women, or take young virgins as slaves after killing their families, or slash pregnant women? Done.
If I made up a story of God performing some outrageous atrocity, you'd want my head on a platter. (OK, now I'm addressing the plural "you", or hypothetical "you", not necessarily you, CJ!) But you'd better look it up first to see if it just may be in the Bible. It might be hard to tell it apart from the real thing.
I have a seriously hard time swallowing some of that OT stuff. Sometimes I wonder just how much God had to do with some of that stuff. It seems often diametrically opposed to the Spirit of Jesus when He came. I think that is why people love the NT.
Why do some attempt to discount the OT in deciding what is and isn't appropriate behavior for Christians living by grace?
How is such a teaching justified? The spiritual principles in the OT and in the law are still valid, as God does not change.
How does one persuade such a thinker of the validity of OT principles, or even of simple common sense things that are only hinted at in the bible, if they react by running straight to ground and begin to ask things such as whether you wear blended fiber clothing?
What is the arbiter of things disallowed in the OT now allowed, and things allowed in the OT now disallowed?
How does a sincere and moderate seeker of truth explain the relevance of the OT to the all-or-nothing crowd?
The irony though is that they themselves rarely are meek and humble in how they deal with those that don't believe like they do about Jesus...ignoring the very characteristic they claim their master has...
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.