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Old 03-29-2018, 07:02 AM
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To Sleep, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...

In this thread, as it was recently brought up elsewhere, I would like to discuss healthy sleep patterns and needs.

There are a lot of different ways people can contribute, but I thought that since I am an optician, I would share a vitally important piece of information regarding over-exposure to "blue light".

Blue light is part of the spectrum of white light, the "blue, indigo, and violet", of the rainbow.

It is natural, and important for everyday health and wellness. It's what makes the sky blue, generally speaking.

But a problem exists. All pieces of light based technology, from overhead lights, lamps, tv screen, cell-phones, laptop screens, ipads and the like, and etc., all of these things also emit "blue light".

The short version is over-exposure to blue light, especially from technology-based blue light, when it enters the eyes and gets to the optic nerves inside of the eyes, affects a certain type of gangelions that are directly related to the brain's ability to naturally produce melatonin, the famous "sleep" chemical so many have heard of. When this occurs, a person's circadian rhythm, what governs normal sleep patterns and cycles, is negatively affected.

It leads to the following symptoms and issues:

1.) Eye strain and fatigue

You work on a computer all day? You know what I mean. Your eyes can only take such much before they wear out. It's because of the blue light.

2.) Headaches

Eye strain and fatigue, if not readily dealt with upon occurrence, usually lead to headaches. Not necessarily migraine level, but migraines cannot be fully ruled out.

3.) Insomnia.

Lack of melatonin and interrupted circadian rhythm keeps people from falling asleep.

4.) Interrupted sleep.

Blue light not only causes insomnia, but it also ruins the sleep you do get. A lot of starts and stops, so to speak, with not a lot of good in between.

5.) Lack of deep, restful (REM) sleep

REM sleep is the period of time during sleep when you enter into Rapid Eye Movement, and is often thought of as the dreaming stage (it's more complicated than that, however). This is the time in which the brain really recharges itself. Loss of REM sleep means loss of recharge, means less brain power for the next day. Snowball effect.

6.) Waking up early

Even if one gets past the insomnia, the starts and stops, and even if they enter REM sleep for awhile, blue light, by affecting a person's circadian rhythm, can cause a person to wake much sooner over-all, with an inability to get back to sleep.

7.) Possibly contribute to issues like Macular Degeneration

The jury's still out. More and more studies are being done. Some are already convinced there is a link. Most are not so sure, yet.

What can be done about all of the above:

A.) Get rid of all blue light producing technology

Not really, but maybe you should???

B.) Limit blue light producing technology, especially about 2-4 hours before sleep

Once your brain's ability to produce melatonin has been tampered with, it needs several hours to get back on track. If you know you are going to bed at 11pm, you might want to turn off and not make use of your tv, computer, laptop, ipad, cell-phone, and etc. once 7pm rolls around.

C.) If you wear prescription glasses, you can purchase a feature called blue light protection.

This is where my job comes in. Blue light protection is sometimes very pricey, depending on where you go, what insurance coverage you have, and etc. But it's also very much worth it. I work in a Walmart Vision Center. At least where I live here in WI, we pretty much beat anyone's prices, so perhaps consider a local Walmart if $$$ is an issue.

If you don't wear or need prescription glasses, you can find special blue light protection only glasses that don't have a prescription in them, that you can wear when you know you will be spending long periods of time on a PC, or etc.

If you are interested in getting glasses with blue light protection, or would like to discuss options, visit with an optician at your local eye doctor. You probably won't need an appointment for a little Q and A time.

On a side note:

I got a new prescription last fall and with a new pair of glasses with blue light protection, and wow, what a difference!

Whereas prior to owning them, I used to wind down and go to bed when my eyes would start to strain and fatigue after being on the computer for a few hours. I'm a night owl since childhood, and mostly a 3rd shift worker my adult life, so, even though I no longer work 3rd shift, I'm still too programmed to the hours, and me going to bed before 3 or 4 in the morning is rare.

But, when I got the new glasses, with the blue light protection, my eyes didn't strain or fatigue like they used to, so, without realizing it, I was staying up a lot later than even 3 or 4 in the morning, and still not feeling tired.

It caused me some issues at first, until my brain became acclimated to not needing to be lured into sleep by eye strain and fatigue. So now, since all of that is past, I can pretty much shut down the PC, and go right to bed, with maybe only about a ten minute break to get ready for bed and a couple minutes of relaxing in bed before lights out.

These new glasses were definitely worth the price. Insurance covered most, but I still needed to pay $75 out of pocket (I also got HD lenses with a no-glare coating package, single vision).

One nice thing about Walmart is prices for children's glasses are super low. Anyone under the age of 18 qualifies for "youth" level glasses at Walmart. Single Vision, Polycarbonate lenses with no-glare coating and blue light protection are $79, not including price of frame. Youth frames begin at $9. And if you have decent insurance, most of that cost might be deferred from you to your plan.

So, if you have children who are being exposed to excessive technology produced blue light, you might consider getting them some glasses with blue light protection, whether from Walmart or wherever you go for your eye care needs.




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Last edited by votivesoul; 03-29-2018 at 07:06 AM.
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Old 03-29-2018, 09:45 AM
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Re: To Sleep, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...

Years ago Melatonin worked for me. Recently I have done as much as 10 grams and nothing. Since being retired I am spending to much time on the PC. Problem is here in Kentucky we have had nothing but rain and wind since I retired on January 1. When it's not raining its muddy.

Really looking forward to getting outside I know that will help. My worse problem with sleep is my housedogs. Their routine is to wake up to go outside when the Sun comes up. So if I would happen to be in a good sleep it wont last past then. On a good night I will get maybe 5 hours.

I read somewhere if you dream your getting enough sleep? Any truth to it?
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Old 03-29-2018, 01:48 PM
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Re: To Sleep, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
Years ago Melatonin worked for me. Recently I have done as much as 10 grams and nothing. Since being retired I am spending to much time on the PC. Problem is here in Kentucky we have had nothing but rain and wind since I retired on January 1. When it's not raining its muddy.
You were taking way too much melatonin, and therefore doing the exact opposite. Supplements are good, if taken correctly. There are different factors, sounds, bedding, pillows, room temperatures, Only your body knows what it needs, and you need to find out what your body wants. But everything from medications to supplements must be taken carefully and as directed. too much of anything can cause you not going forward, but backwards. The PC creates light tat tells your brain it needs to stay awake, hence the use of filters. But limiting the time in front of the PC is another help to getting good rest. Also exercise, not just calisthenics, but weight training. Will aid in not only hormonal balances but good restful sleep.

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
Really looking forward to getting outside I know that will help. My worse problem with sleep is my housedogs. Their routine is to wake up to go outside when the Sun comes up. So if I would happen to be in a good sleep it wont last past then. On a good night I will get maybe 5 hours.
8 hours would be amazing and you would see some good results. I know that may not be possible. But not unachievable. I wake up with the chickens and they have to be let out, watered, fed, and their coops cleaned. I know what you are saying. If you cannot get the whole 8, you can break it up during the day with sleep at times you can get it. But optimally the full nights rest is what we would like to shoot for. Again exercise, diet, and hydration is a must.

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
I read somewhere if you dream your getting enough sleep? Any truth to it?
That is what they say.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 03-29-2018, 03:10 PM
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Re: To Sleep, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...

Dom, I didn't always take 10 grams. Over the years it has evolved to that. It just quit working. I enjoy exercise unfortunately being hit from behind 4 times in car accidents, along with injuries I sustained over my work career have limited weight lifting but I do some pull ups and walking. Thats about it.

I have been trying to get naps in. They are usually short but somethings better than nothing. If its true that if you are dreaming you're getting enuff sleep I must be doing ok. Sometimes that only entails 3 or 4 hours.
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Old 03-29-2018, 03:42 PM
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Re: To Sleep, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
Dom, I didn't always take 10 grams. Over the years it has evolved to that. It just quit working. I enjoy exercise unfortunately being hit from behind 4 times in car accidents, along with injuries I sustained over my work career have limited weight lifting but I do some pull ups and walking. Thats about it.
Melatonin is a hormone our body naturally produces.

Testosterone is a hormone our body naturally produces. I will explain what I mean about the melatonin failure by using testosterone because it is better well known. When a male gets older his testosterone drops around 1% a year. That's officially, but I believe during this culture it is higher. Now low or dropping T levels do a plethora of different things in males as well as females. So maintaining a good level is (in my book) highly important. Yet, we must do it naturally. Teaching our body to create it on its own. Instead of injections, or pills of testosterone treatments. Now, the sience I won't get into because it is complicated. But when you take testosterone treatments, your body will drop its naturally production. Requiring you to take more outside testosterone. Another problem then occurs which in the first place you were trying to avoid. Estrogen increasing. Anyway, when you were taking the melatonin the hormone your body didn't have to produce. Foods have melatonin already in them. Eating properly with exercise in balances these hormones. Jack Lalanne was a joke, he was a student of Dr Paul Bragg and trained with Vince Gironda. In magnificent shape all the way till his death at 96. I understand injuries, in motorcycle racing I have taken my share of injuries. I have been shot, stabbed, fell off scaffolds, flipped two cars, and was in a body cast at the age of seven from being hit by a car. But, want I found is that weight lifting always brought me back to where there is no pain or paralysis from those injuries. Weight lifting is a most for men, especially as we get older. Calisthenics, walking, running, and bicycling, combined with weight training will do wonders. I am not saying that you should be benching 100 lbs, deadlifting 100 lbs, and squatting 100 lbs. Do the weight which is comfortable for at least ten reps. an hour a day with a whole routine.

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
I have been trying to get naps in. They are usually short but somethings better than nothing.
You are a 1,000% correct. Those are the words which achieve wonders.

Keep up the good work. I mean rest.

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
If its true that if you are dreaming you're getting enuff sleep I must be doing ok. Sometimes that only entails 3 or 4 hours.
Awesome, then make sure you get that good restful sleep.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 03-29-2018, 04:30 PM
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Re: To Sleep, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Melatonin is a hormone our body naturally produces.

Testosterone is a hormone our body naturally produces. I will explain what I mean about the melatonin failure by using testosterone because it is better well known. When a male gets older his testosterone drops around 1% a year. That's officially, but I believe during this culture it is higher. Now low or dropping T levels do a plethora of different things in males as well as females. So maintaining a good level is (in my book) highly important. Yet, we must do it naturally. Teaching our body to create it on its own. Instead of injections, or pills of testosterone treatments. Now, the sience I won't get into because it is complicated. But when you take testosterone treatments, your body will drop its naturally production. Requiring you to take more outside testosterone. Another problem then occurs which in the first place you were trying to avoid. Estrogen increasing. Anyway, when you were taking the melatonin the hormone your body didn't have to produce. Foods have melatonin already in them. Eating properly with exercise in balances these hormones. Jack Lalanne was a joke, he was a student of Dr Paul Bragg and trained with Vince Gironda. In magnificent shape all the way till his death at 96. I understand injuries, in motorcycle racing I have taken my share of injuries. I have been shot, stabbed, fell off scaffolds, flipped two cars, and was in a body cast at the age of seven from being hit by a car. But, want I found is that weight lifting always brought me back to where there is no pain or paralysis from those injuries. Weight lifting is a most for men, especially as we get older. Calisthenics, walking, running, and bicycling, combined with weight training will do wonders. I am not saying that you should be benching 100 lbs, deadlifting 100 lbs, and squatting 100 lbs. Do the weight which is comfortable for at least ten reps. an hour a day with a whole routine.

You are a 1,000% correct. Those are the words which achieve wonders.

Keep up the good work. I mean rest.

Awesome, then make sure you get that good restful sleep.
I'll be trying.
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Old 03-29-2018, 05:43 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: To Sleep, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...

There are ways to keep the body producing T while taking synthetic.
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Old 03-29-2018, 06:01 PM
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Re: To Sleep, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...

Originally Posted by houston View Post
There are ways to keep the body producing T while taking synthetic.
Actually that is producing T, that is an estrogen blocker so you don't turn into Bruce Jenner's alter ego. Think, where does testosterone come from, and why do they shrink? When you use anabolics?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 03-29-2018, 07:48 PM
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Re: To Sleep, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...

Anyway. I’m gonna try to convince the doc to prescribe T cypionate.
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