Originally Posted by Esaias
Anyone? What exactly is meant by "conservative"? If you identify yourself as " conservative" what do you mean by that? How would you know if a candidate is a "conservative"?
Here's my definition of conservatism.
1) Limited government.
Since our system of government was built on this from the beginning (federal government granted only limited authority, as opposed to it granting rights to us), this is the very cornerstone of what it means to be conservative.
2) Fiscal responsibility.
Going hand-in-hand with a limited government, is the desire for our representatives to be thrifty with our finances that we grant to them. A government that spends out of control, is a government that has no care for those it is supposed to represent.
3) Strict Constitutional adherence.
The Constitution is the basis of our entire nation. The authors of this document, while flawed men, were wise beyond their years. While I do *NOT* put the Constitution on the same level as the Bible (not even remotely close), I do believe God had His hand in guiding the direction of this document. A representative that does not adhere to this document, is not truly representing us.
I'll let you decide for yourself, where you think Trump aligns in those three areas.