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Old 11-01-2014, 10:28 AM
Seeking Seeking is offline
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New here, with a question.

I am new to this forum and thought I would ask a question.
I was raised apostolic in the AMF (AFC) and am married to someone who was raised Southern Baptist. We have recently been attending a UPC church, but we are finding it to be a difficult fit. My spouse has been baptized in Jesus Name and received the Holy Ghost, but does not believe many of the holiness standards are scriptural. Because we do not comply with the preached holiness standards, we feel like "perpetual visitors" that do not fit. For me, attending a trinitarian church is not an option. For my spouse, living an apostolic lifestyle is not an option. Are there more progressive churches that are still oneness? Can anyone refer me to a church that might fit our family? We live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thank you in advance.
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Old 11-01-2014, 11:38 AM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: New here, with a question.

Originally Posted by Seeking View Post
I am new to this forum and thought I would ask a question.
I was raised apostolic in the AMF (AFC) and am married to someone who was raised Southern Baptist. We have recently been attending a UPC church, but we are finding it to be a difficult fit. My spouse has been baptized in Jesus Name and received the Holy Ghost, but does not believe many of the holiness standards are scriptural. Because we do not comply with the preached holiness standards, we feel like "perpetual visitors" that do not fit. For me, attending a trinitarian church is not an option. For my spouse, living an apostolic lifestyle is not an option. Are there more progressive churches that are still oneness? Can anyone refer me to a church that might fit our family? We live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thank you in advance.

Hopefully someone here can help you. You are not alone...


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If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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Old 11-01-2014, 12:08 PM
Seeking Seeking is offline
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Re: New here, with a question.

Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
Hopefully someone here can help you. You are not alone...
Thank you, I certainly hope so. We have almost stopped attending church all together. I don't want to fall out of church, I just want a workable solution. Prior to our attending a UPC church, my spouse was much more open to participating in church (it was non denominational). I just don't feel very comfortable in a trinitarian church. I don't think it would confuse me, but it would confuse our child. I just feel like we have hit a brick wall. I sincerely need some suggestions.
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Old 11-01-2014, 01:21 PM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: New here, with a question.

Originally Posted by Seeking View Post
Thank you, I certainly hope so. We have almost stopped attending church all together. I don't want to fall out of church, I just want a workable solution. Prior to our attending a UPC church, my spouse was much more open to participating in church (it was non denominational). I just don't feel very comfortable in a trinitarian church. I don't think it would confuse me, but it would confuse our child. I just feel like we have hit a brick wall. I sincerely need some suggestions.
If I may ask do you feel like you are being shunned there?


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If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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Old 11-01-2014, 01:42 PM
Seeking Seeking is offline
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Re: New here, with a question.

Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
If I may ask do you feel like you are being shunned there?
No. Everyone is polite. You just feel like an outsider all the time. At first people seem to be very warm and hopeful you will "develop as a new convert". Over time they seem polite but a little uncomfortable. It almost seems awkward to them as well. If that makes sense.
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Old 11-01-2014, 01:49 PM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: New here, with a question.

Originally Posted by Seeking View Post
No. Everyone is polite. You just feel like an outsider all the time. At first people seem to be very warm and hopeful you will "develop as a new convert". Over time they seem polite but a little uncomfortable. It almost seems awkward to them as well. If that makes sense.
Is there several issues that are hindering your full participation?


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If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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Old 11-02-2014, 02:37 AM
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Re: New here, with a question.

Originally Posted by Seeking View Post
No. Everyone is polite. You just feel like an outsider all the time. At first people seem to be very warm and hopeful you will "develop as a new convert". Over time they seem polite but a little uncomfortable. It almost seems awkward to them as well. If that makes sense.
Guess what? If you hold to your testimony of baptism in Jesus name and the Oneness of God the Trins will also make you feel akward and like a visitor.

Having said that I do feel your pain in this matter. The teaching that men wearing beards is a sin has kept multitudes out of Apostolic Churches.

The teaching that a woman cannot trim her hair or they are sinning has locked the doors of Apostolic Churches to probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of seekers.

Love Jesus. Do his will revealed in scripture and pray hard to be led by his Spirit! God help us all!
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Old 01-04-2015, 09:48 PM
Hesetmefree238 Hesetmefree238 is offline
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Re: New here, with a question.

There are UPC churches where you could still fit in. Our church doesn't hammer folks from the outside with standards. We live it and we love people and try to make them feel welcome. My mother never came around to the UPC hair position, but she received the HG and attended our church for 20 years until her death. We have several families that don't conform to the Pentecostal look, but they are very much a part of our church.
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Old 05-14-2015, 11:12 PM
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Re: New here, with a question.

Originally Posted by Seeking View Post
No. Everyone is polite. You just feel like an outsider all the time. At first people seem to be very warm and hopeful you will "develop as a new convert". Over time they seem polite but a little uncomfortable. It almost seems awkward to them as well. If that makes sense.
First, most pastors preach THEIR convictions as Godly standards. This becomes an issue when people read the Bible because they don't see slieve length or facial hair requirements in it. So you begin to feel "different" and either conform of be set aside for those "getting it". Don't think this hasn't been studied over the years. Remember when you look around standards differ from area churches and regonal churches. But the apostle stated he preached the same gospel ever where he went. So it's about the gospel not the pastors convictions on rings, slieve length, or facial hair.

Second, the people are only acting or teaching what they only know. Standards come from the pulpit so it is not the saints. I for one don't think anyone will go to hell if they have a mustache or a t shirt when they breath that last breath.
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Old 06-05-2015, 10:59 AM
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Re: New here, with a question.

Originally Posted by Seeking View Post
Thank you, I certainly hope so. We have almost stopped attending church all together. I don't want to fall out of church, I just want a workable solution. Prior to our attending a UPC church, my spouse was much more open to participating in church (it was non denominational). I just don't feel very comfortable in a trinitarian church. I don't think it would confuse me, but it would confuse our child. I just feel like we have hit a brick wall. I sincerely need some suggestions.
Sorry is I repeat something that has been said already, I just saw this thread and stopped reading when I got to this post.

I would like to address your last point. First I was raised UPC, was in ministry for over 25 years, raised 4 children that all have a close relationship with God today. That being said, when my youngest was in high school, her best friend invited her to a youth function at her church, Assembly of God. I explained the difference between the teaching of the trinity and oneness and let her go. As my wife and I had just cut ties at that time with UPC and were conducting our own services in starting a church of our own, we were pretty much where you are now.
To make a long story short, my wife and I began to attend this church, and the difference between the trinity and oneness never became an issue.
The point is your child will not become confused if teach him/her at home and don't judge those that do not understand the Godhead as you.
Most trinitarian churches hardly ever if not never teach on the subject of the trinity in the first place.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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