"Mitt" - Netflix Documentary
Last night I watched the premiere of the Netflix documentary, "Mitt." It was a very interesting glimpse at what was going on out of the public's eye, amongst the Romney family, during both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns. If you like politics, you'd like this documentary...even if you don't like Romney. By the end, you may end up liking him.
The film begins in the lead-up to the 2008 Presidential campaign, then weaves through about 6 years to the day after the 2012 election.
I thought the animosity between McCain and Romney was interesting. A top McCain campaign guy told Romney he wanted to kick his teeth in.
Romney wasn't a fan of the endless debates during the Primary, nor of not being able to ask other candidates questions directly.
In the 2012 campaign, before the 2nd debate, they were already worried about Candy Crowley and what she may do or say. There was definite anger afterwards over her ridiculous intrusion into the debate to side (incorrectly) with obama.
Romney knew business, that much is evident. He talked about a business owner who loses two thirds of his income to taxes.
The saddest part of the film of course, was election night, as they were updated on the results. They were shocked, as was I. I remember sitting in disbelief, watching obama win.
Thinking over the past year, I can only imagine how much better the US would be if Romney had won. Sure, Romney wasn't the conservative I would have liked...but he would have been better than the clown occupying the Oval Office now.