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Old 08-02-2013, 12:05 PM
n david n david is offline
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Benghazi - NOT a "Phony" Scandal

Last week Obama had diarrhea of the mouth again and claimed that Republicans were too busy chasing phony scandals.

So far for most of this year, we've seen an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals.
In the past 24 hours, CNN and The Telegraph have delivered a broadside hit on the White House. Let's be clear, Benghazi is NOT a phony scandal. The breadth of what happened and the depth to which this administration has gone to cover it up is breathtaking, and should cause every American to demand the truth.

There were whispers last year that Obama's administration was involved in a gun-running op in Libya. CIA operatives were assisted in funneling arms from Libya into Syria to the rebels there. It was a way to bypass Congress and try to help the Syrian rebels.

The Telegraph headline: "CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'"

CNN's headline: "Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack"

From The Telegraph:
Up to 35 CIA operatives were working in the city during the attack last September on the US consulate that resulted in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, according to CNN.
...a CIA team was working in an annex near the consulate on a project to supply missiles from Libyan armouries to Syrian rebels.

From CNN:
Among the many secrets still yet to be told about the Benghazi mission, is just how many Americans were there the night of the attack.

A source now tells CNN that number was 35, with as many as seven wounded, some seriously.

While it is still not known how many of them were CIA, a source tells CNN that 21 Americans were working in the building known as the annex, believed to be run by the agency.
Speculation on Capitol Hill has included the possibility the U.S. agencies operating in Benghazi were secretly helping to move surface-to-air missiles out of Libya, through Turkey, and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

The CIA is in full coverup mode...

Sources now tell CNN dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret.

CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency's Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.
Since January, some CIA operatives involved in the agency's missions in Libya, have been subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency's workings.

The goal of the questioning, according to sources, is to find out if anyone is talking to the media or Congress.

It is being described as pure intimidation, with the threat that any unauthorized CIA employee who leaks information could face the end of his or her career.
"Agency employees typically are polygraphed every three to four years. Never more than that," said former CIA operative and CNN analyst Robert Baer.

In other words, the rate of the kind of polygraphs alleged by sources is rare.

"If somebody is being polygraphed every month, or every two months it's called an issue polygraph, and that means that the polygraph division suspects something, or they're looking for something, or they're on a fishing expedition. But it's absolutely not routine at all to be polygraphed monthly, or bi-monthly," said Baer.
Not only is the CIA involved in intimidation and coverup, Rep. Troy Gowdy is accusing the Obama administration directly of hiding survivors, moving them around the country, and even changing their names!

Including changing names, creating aliases. Stop and think what things are most calculated to get at the truth? Talk to people with first-hand knowledge. What creates the appearance and perhaps the reality of a cover-up? Not letting us talk with people who have the most amount of information, dispersing them around the country and changing their names.
IMO, that quote from Obama is going to come back to bite him big time.



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Old 08-02-2013, 03:47 PM
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Re: Benghazi - NOT a "Phony" Scandal


You beat me to the punch!
I was hoping a thread hadn't been started on today's revelations.

My MAJOR CONCERN with this now is this: I don't want to know!


From what I have read today, which is probably the "tip of the iceberg", there are serious CIA / Intel at stake and to reveal this stuff publcly is NOT in the best interest of our country, our National Security Agencies, and definitely not in the best interests of ANY of the possibly 20 - 30 other Americans that were on the ground.

I posted my concerns in one of the earlier threads about the Benghazi hooplah-- my concern over the CIA operatives and such, that may have been somehow involved or on the ground.

I was hoping that the digging would eventually cool off.

I think that the GOP turned a very sensitive intelligence mishap into political fodder-- at the risk of the lives and mission accomplishment of the Americans who did not die.

As a country, we don't need this stuff on the front page or back page of any news outlet.
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Old 08-02-2013, 04:08 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Benghazi - NOT a "Phony" Scandal

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post

You beat me to the punch!
I was hoping a thread hadn't been started on today's revelations.

My MAJOR CONCERN with this now is this: I don't want to know!


From what I have read today, which is probably the "tip of the iceberg", there are serious CIA / Intel at stake and to reveal this stuff publcly is NOT in the best interest of our country, our National Security Agencies, and definitely not in the best interests of ANY of the possibly 20 - 30 other Americans that were on the ground.

I posted my concerns in one of the earlier threads about the Benghazi hooplah-- my concern over the CIA operatives and such, that may have been somehow involved or on the ground.

I was hoping that the digging would eventually cool off.

I think that the GOP turned a very sensitive intelligence mishap into political fodder-- at the risk of the lives and mission accomplishment of the Americans who did not die.

As a country, we don't need this stuff on the front page or back page of any news outlet.
1) The White House has been caught in a lie. Both Obama directly and through his spokespersons, and Jay Carney, have repeatedly told everyone that there is nothing new about what happened in Benghazi; that what has been reported are the full and complete details. It appears they deliberately and willfully mislead Congress and the American public.

2) Need to know vs National Security. I don't buy this argument that we need to keep things hidden in the name of the almighty National Security. If in fact there was a gun-running operation sponsored by Obama's administration and carried out by the CIA, it must be brought to light. You cannot claim this information is a national security risk. Those involved more than likely have been reassigned and would be in no danger; and Obama has now publicly announced the US will be arming it's future enemies...aka the rebels.

I hope this does come out. I'm glad Snowden leaked the NSA info. If it hadn't been for him doing so, neither Congress nor the public would have known the extent at which the NSA has spied on American citizens.

It amazes me the transformation of Obama. As a rookie Senator, he continuously hit at the Bush administration for less than what he's now doing. Senator Obama would take the floor of the Senate and condemn President Obama's actions in regards to Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Drones, NSA spying, etc.

I hope they keep digging. The NSA and CIA need a good public airing of their misdeeds.

Last edited by n david; 08-02-2013 at 04:10 PM.
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Old 08-02-2013, 05:17 PM
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Re: Benghazi - NOT a "Phony" Scandal

I'm sure they don't want us to know that Hillary was aiding the Muslim Brotherhood, which issue now has enough signatures (100,000) in 29 days to warrant attention from the White House to demand they be listed as a terrorist group.
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Old 08-02-2013, 06:24 PM
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Re: Benghazi - NOT a "Phony" Scandal

Intel on HOW we screwed up majorily and Americans died?
I say lets see it!

BTW good timing with todays terror alert and the closing of embassies....
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Old 08-02-2013, 09:10 PM
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Re: Benghazi - NOT a "Phony" Scandal

I think it is so unfortunate that so many "conservatives" are salivating at anything to discredit our democratically-elected government that they would cut off their own noses just to spite their face.

This stuff really shouldn't be in the news.

It's really isn't good for our country.
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Old 08-03-2013, 06:32 AM
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Re: Benghazi - NOT a "Phony" Scandal

I am as conservative as they come and can not wait for the day when Obamer walks out the White House doors for the last time, but I am with Jermyn on this one. Some of this does not need to be out there.

The GOP can get themselves one of those committee's together and hold their investigation behind closed doors then come give us the general outcome. While Bengazi was a tragedy, it would be even more tragic for more Americans to die just because we did not handle this with care.

Once again, can't believe I am defending Obamer, but what he said as Senator is irrelevant to what he is doing as president. I made this argument during the debates, no questions should ever be asked concerning foreign policy or current "hot spots" for the simple reason nobody has the intel that the president has, therefor any comments made by senators or canidates are simply ignorant opinions by those who have no inside clue of what is really going on.

The Snowden leaks are pathetic. As more information comes to light from this the more I really hope we get our hands on him one day. He should be tried for treason and sentenced to the maximum.
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