And I thought it would be interesting to examine if anyone's dire predictions came to pass. Or if those who thought that I'd find my way, were correct. Not to mention if my good intentions stayed strong, or petered out.
Name: Michlow
Age: 32
Relationship Status: Married to Matthew, for 8.5 years. He had Asperger's Syndrome which made him near impossible to be an equal partner in our relationship. (He refused to work, and spent all day playing video games for example). I was desperately unhappy, but believed that God hated divorce. I prayed for the Rapture, to be put out of misery A LOT!
Children: None. We were unable (I believed thankfully after a time) to have children.
Spirituality: I had experienced some bad, unhealthy, church situations where Authority was misused. I was very angry at God, and absolutely refused to allow someone else (i.e. a Pastor) to control my spirituality.
Some quotes:
Originally Posted by Michlow
I have openly admitted that I have spent the last 3 years not even liking God, because he seemed a cruel and capricious deity, who demanded absolute perfection. And one cannot be in right relationship with a God they do not like or trust.
Originally Posted by Michlow
Right now, these are the only things that I know to be Truth:
God Is.
Jesus is God.
Receving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost changed me inside.
I can make no claims about the Bible, or salvation doctorine, or the church.
Originally Posted by Michlow
The good news is that I am stubborn, and I am determined to know God!
But I was sill pretty much a 3 stepper, stating that even if I didn't know if it was the only way, I still pretty much thought it was the BEST way
“There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting.”
Re: Dire Prophecies and Good Intentions: 6 Years L
Some of Peoples' Hopes and Fears for my future:
Originally Posted by Steve Epley
It was you Paul had in mind when writing Hebrews 10:25 I just hope you do not fulfil Heb.10:26-29 When one fails to assemble they open themselves up to fatal error.
Originally Posted by H2H
Mich, I must view your departure with question. How can you say withdrawal to nothing is the answer to improper doctrines or wrongful interpretation? Find a church - a group of beleivers - and when you do there will likely be other issues you can again withdraw over. ALL organizations have error ALL. Because you are removing yourself to a "me and Jesus" mentality I must question your motives.
Meanwhile, I will pray that God will place a hunger for Him in your heart.
In Jesus, H2H
Originally Posted by Sherri
Mich, Mich, Mich......I do love you for your transparency!! You are a breath of fresh air on here many times when I need a good laugh. I think you're one of the most sincere people that I know and that you have a heart after God, like David. Just keep chasing Him (God, not David). He will lead and guide you into all truth.
You have to have passion; that's what it's all about. God is so big and so awesome, we cannot begin to understand Him. But He is ultimately always good and He is faithful; He will keep you. The Word does say to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Read the Word and let it sink into your Spirit; He will speak to you through it.
I love you. If you ever need to talk, PM me. Meanwhile, I'll be praying!
Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy
I can assure you, there is far more danger in thinking the voice of the flesh (self, the carnal nature we are born with) is the voice of God than there is in thinking the voice of some 'controlling pastor', as you put it, is God's voice.
Big revelation, friend: God has already revealed Himself in His Word, and He chooses to feed and lead His people through pastors after His own heart.
Originally Posted by CC1
I appreciate your thread. My concern is a practical one from 48 years of observation.
Far too often those that become untethered from their foundations blow away in the wind and never seem to land on solid ground again.
As you know I share some of the same concerns you do for the UPC and old time Oneness Pentecost.
However I have always kept hold of what I consider my spiritual foundation and that is confidence in God, the work of Calvary, etc, etc. On a more practical level what I have kept hold of in my foundation is what I consider committment and faithfulness to the house and word of God.
Too many times I see folks who either get or seek a "better understanding" of things just end up unplugged from any assembly of believers. They are either all alone (a Coopite) or manage to find a handful of other malcontents who share concerns or views with them.
All I am saying is beware. Make an honest re-evaluation often to see if you are out in the ether living by the words of that famous song "Me and Jesus got our own thing goin' on" or if you are willing to find a pastor and assembly you can submit yourself to for the important ministry to you spoken of in the Epistles.
“There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting.”
Re: Dire Prophecies and Good Intentions: 6 Years L
Originally Posted by Dichotomy Girl
Some of Peoples' Hopes and Fears for my future:
Originally Posted by Steve Epley
It was you Paul had in mind when writing Hebrews 10:25 I just hope you do not fulfil Heb.10:26-29 When one fails to assemble they open themselves up to fatal error.
. . .
You're still alive?!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Re: Dire Prophecies and Good Intentions: 6 Years L
Originally Posted by Timmy
You're still alive?!
Actually the funniest thing I saw in my thread, is me making reference to something else Bro. Epley had warned me about in another thread. Upon hearing that I was giving up the assembling of myself with others, he felt the need to warn me that most serial killers were loners!
So not only am I sill alive, I haven't killed anyone either!
“There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting.”
Re: Dire Prophecies and Good Intentions: 6 Years L
Originally Posted by Dichotomy Girl
Actually the funniest thing I saw in my thread, is me making reference to something else Bro. Epley had warned me about in another thread. Upon hearing that I was giving up the assembling of myself with others, he felt the need to warn me that most serial killers were loners!
So not only am I sill alive, I haven't killed anyone either!
So far!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Re: Dire Prophecies and Good Intentions: 6 Years L
Originally Posted by Dichotomy Girl
Actually the funniest thing I saw in my thread, is me making reference to something else Bro. Epley had warned me about in another thread. Upon hearing that I was giving up the assembling of myself with others, he felt the need to warn me that most serial killers were loners!
So not only am I sill alive, I haven't killed anyone either!
Don't worry you still have time.
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4)
Scripture is its own interpreter. Nothing can cut a diamond but a diamond. Nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture" Thomas Watson.
Re: Dire Prophecies and Good Intentions: 6 Years L
A few more Posts from the Old Thread (I figured I'd save people from paging through 62 pages of tangents...etc.)
Originally Posted by Malvaro
In light of some recent threads, please specify if you consider yourself "ex-Pentecostal" or not....
I am only referencing the Apostolic doctrine, not standards or anything else UPC-related....
Originally Posted by Michlow
Hmmm...trying to pin me down, huh?
No, I do not consider myself "ex-pentecostal". To me, the pentecostal label has to do with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues, and as I received such baptism, and regularly speak in tongues, I therefore do consider myself to still be pentecostal.
However, I think that most likely is not the exact answer you are looking for. I am guessing you want to know if I am still PAJC? A 3-Stepper? Oneness?
My View of the Godhead has not changed. I believe in One God. His name is Jesus. Do I believe that one must repent, be baptized by full immersion in the Name of Jesus Christ (verbally spoken over the one being baptized) and then one must receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost (with the intial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the spirit gives the utterance) in order to be saved? Is this the answer you are looking for?
The simple answer is that I don't know. I still believe that people SHOULD do those things. I still believe that those are the BEST ways to go about it. Is baptism in the titles acceptable to God? Can one be filled with the Holy Ghost, without speaking in tongues? Are people saved at repentence? These are questions for others that are smarter than I am.
Originally Posted by SDG
I would say ... that it's worrisome if she has not found a place to congregate ... however she has also admitted to being Spirit-filled and studying God's Word like never before .... we cannot discount the power of the Holy Ghost in her life ... simply because she's not UPC anymore
Originally Posted by Coonskinner
Daniel, her not being UPC anymore is the absolute least of my concerns.
Originally Posted by Coonskinner
No, a peek into Michelle's words and her own report of her actions.
I love Michelle in the Lord, and have prayed for her often and will continue to.
But when people withdraw and isolate themselves from the influences that God has ordained, in clear opposition to the Scripture, it is what it is.
“There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting.”