Originally Posted by CC1
C'mon Renda, don't you know trinitarians believe in "3 gods"? Didn't you hear that preached enough times in your UPC days?
I think people like NI are engaging the same strategy Democrats do in politics. If you say something enough times loudly enough people will beieve it no matter how wrong it is.
Well, that may be true to some, but when I was a trinitarian, I firmly believed in three. It is what I was taught in the charismatic church.
Many out there do still believe this, but there is a growing awareness of oneness that is happening.
Many here have equated my statements with standards, but I did not mention standards as I recall. I mentioned HOLINESS. Yet, the attack came out of standards.
Why is it that the liberal mindset automatically associates standards with holiness and cannot see the real meaning behind the words?
I would not suggest that everyone on here is liberal. I am ultra-con, yes. That should be fairly evident, but it doesn't make me arrogant to state how I feel. Does it make you arrogant to state how you feel when it is in disagreement with someone else? Hardly.
If this is an open forum that allows for dissemination of thoughts and ideas, why is it that I cannot state my own personal thoughts (which I did clarify in my original statement) without getting attacked?
Is it because holiness lifestyle is on trial here?
Is it because someone who refuses to bow to the ways of the world that are creeping into the church must be silenced?
If so, why? Why is it that I cannot make a conservative post and be allowed to do so without the rancor?
Does it protest things? Sure it does. Does it oppose things? Sure it does. Is it the opposition to worldliness that this board is so afraid of hearing voiced?
Some here feel that my attitude is wrong. Explain to me how it is wrong for me to have a conviction and stand by it regardless of who opposes it.
I believe that I stated originally that it was my point of view.
Why is that so wrong?
If you can have your liberal view posted, then does that mean that the conservative voice is not welcome here? (I think Felicity answered this and I appreciated her answer. At least it came across as unbiased.)