Thought some of the ministers from this forum might find this interesting.... I am former Church of God (COG). They hold their General Assembly every 2 years, where they elect leadership, make appointments, and the Ministers vote in rules, guidelines, etc. So this year is General Assembly year, and the agenda of proposals is out....
For years, leadership at headquarters has hated when ministers post in Online Forums by pen names, and question authority, tell things that are going on, etc.
So to hit that in the face, there is a proposal now as an agenda item to prohibit all ministers from posting on social media with pen names.
The exact wording, on page 25 of the agenda, is an amendment to the "General Instructions for Ministers" which list five new rules, including this one: "Church of God ministers. . . shall at all times agree to write and post only under their own name." Further, there is this warning: "Failure to follow these guidelines . . . shall result in the offending minister being subject to discipline for unbecoming ministerial conduct."
Can you believe this? And can you imagine how impossible it would be to police this????
Re: COG To Prohibit Ministers Social Media Pen Nam
Personally, I like it when people use their real names as well. I do not believe it is something that should, or even can, be legislated though. My last name is no secret but still use my middle name lest Google tag every single post I make here.
Re: COG To Prohibit Ministers Social Media Pen Nam
Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Personally, I like it when people use their real names as well. I do not believe it is something that should, or even can, be legislated though. My last name is no secret but still use my middle name lest Google tag every single post I make here.
It will probably never pass, but considering how many forums the COG preachers have, and how many of them there are... it will turn into a canibalistic witch hunt of guys bringing each other up on charges to enforce such a thing... Absolute lunacy.
And screen names are important at times when little Rev. Tom Smith down at Dirt Road COG questions how some money is being spent at headquarters, only has 15 members, and fears retribution from headquarters if he were to post under his real name. Pen names are needed for checks and balances in a denom with such a strong central government as the COG.
Re: COG To Prohibit Ministers Social Media Pen Nam
Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins
It will probably never pass, but considering how many forums the COG preachers have, and how many of them there are... it will turn into a canibalistic witch hunt of guys bringing each other up on charges to enforce such a thing... Absolute lunacy.
And screen names are important at times when little Rev. Tom Smith down at Dirt Road COG questions how some money is being spent at headquarters, only has 15 members, and fears retribution from headquarters if he were to post under his real name. Pen names are needed for checks and balances in a denom with such a strong central government as the COG.
I am going to agree with everything you just said. It is the same reason that voting ballots are, and need to keep being, secret.
When I read the first post my mind immediately went to the idea of someone anonymously taking pot shots and how it would should a bit more courage if they were to use their real names. But really this is different sides of the same coin.