Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
What is it? Where do you watch it?
It's the last TV series spin off of a movie that came out a while ago called Star Gate. It spun off Star Gate SG1 and Star Gate Atlantis.
I watch it online at Hulu.com
The movie was about a piece of alien technology archeologists found in Egypt. They discovered it was a device to open up a wormhole of sorts to other stargates. They discovered a "gate address" and it took them to another world called Abydos. There they discovered people that we find out are not indigenous but were brought there by a "god" named Ra.
Ra is actually a human host taken over by an alien parasite type creature and uses his knowledge and technology they steal from other cultures, to go around and masquerade as these gods
The people on Abydos were taken there from earth many many years ago. In the end the good guys defeat Ra with a well placed nuke. One of the members of the team that went through is non-military. He is an archeologist that was laughed out of his profession essentially for his crazy ideas about the pyramids being landing pads for alien ships. It was him essentially that figured out the gate address. On Abydos he falls in love with one of the ladies there and stays beyind
Later, in the first series SG1, a new god Apophis, comes through the earth stargate and kidnaps a young female GI. At this time the Stargate program was closed. It's this event that kicks off the new series
Every episode of SG1 can be seen at Hulu.
Stargate Atlantis occurs near the end of the first series where they discover that the people that built the star gates (which are planted all over the universe just about), were a race of human like people they call the ancients. The ancients left behind a gate in what became the Antarctic. The gate discovered in Egypt I think was probably brought there by one of the false gods Ra or Apophos. Many of these false gods exist and have taken on various 'gods' of earth mythos (or vice versa), and kidnapped earth people and seeded other worlds to have an endless supply of slaves and host bodies. Upon discovery of the gate in antartic they also discover an Ancient outpost and an address to an Ancient homeworld in another galaxy, a city called Atlantis.
It's very far away and requires more power to gate too than normal and upon gating there the mission crew are unable to gate right back. They discover an advanced (indoor) city called Atlantis that can submerge underwater, be shielded against attacks and even fly to another planet if need be
The most interesting part of all this and also probably the most far fetched, is not they weave all the earth mythos into the series and discover clues to them spread all around the known universe.
They even discover a benevolent race called the Asgard (norse mythology) that resemble the Rosewell Aliens that supposedly crashed in NM. They end up becoming very powerful allies, more stronger than the false gods (who are called "Goa'uld" ).
As the humans progress through the series and with each alien encounter, they become more and more technologically advanced until they have space ships that can travel at light speed. The culmination is when the Asgard give them everything, absolutely everything, all knowledge and technological upgrades to their ships.
These upgrades are given in SG1 and really only seen in StarGate Atlantis and some in StarGate Universe.
The first 2 series are very different from Universe. Universe is more edgy. More dramatic and a lot less comic relief. It's also mostly confined to an ancient alien ship that is traveling through the universe. That's probably one of the main things that separates it from others, sort of like watching star trek only with a ship that is so old it is falling apart and they have no real clue how to just take over the ship and go where they want. They do occasionally visit other worlds but the only aliens they encounter are new malevolent race trying to take over the ship. They never really discover any intelligent civilizations on any planet.
Finally in the last two episodes an old "enemy" from SG1 finds out about the ship and tries to "gate" to the ship (which is how the earth people got there). There is a gate on the ship too and they use it to launch an invasion.
This other group are humans like us it seems called the Lucian Alliance, which is essentially the Mafia of the known galaxies.
This is where SGU has ended up so far, with the invading force on the ship.