Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Problem is, the Republicans have a reputation that they have worked hard to earn that they must deal with.
Not really Jermyn.
It was the Democratic Party that filibustered the Civil Rights Act and it was Republican Senators who brought cots into their offices so they could be ready at a moment's notice to vote at any time day or night to pass that legislation.
It is the Democrat Party that uses Orwellian language to to accuse anyone who opposes their regime of "racism." Since the 1970's the mainstream media has been the tool by which the lies and smears are spread.
It is the Democrat Party that publicly "lynches" men like Clarence Thomas. Remember that? Or the racist smears against Condoleezza Rice?
Statements like yours just continue the atmosphere of "tolerance" that the racists enjoy. Why don't you stand up for the oppressed and those that suffer from the effects of overt racism?