Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind
I have been looking at buying one.
This is a deep philosophical discussion strengthened against me by the cost of California Motorcycle Insurance.
It would be about $100 a month to insure one since I have never riden.
If you are not a Harley snob you can get a good bike for not much money. In 2004 I bought a 2002 Kawasaki Vulcan 500 with just 4,000 miles on it in immaculate condition for $3400.
It was a great bike to get back into riding on at my age. Since the Vulcan 500 engine is the same basic engine as the early Ninja's it had 6 gears instead of the typical five on a cruiser. That meant with a little shifting it could keep up with or outrun many bigger bikes. It would also go over 100 mph though I don't think I ever got it above about 96 mph because common sense and fear took over!
Insurance is typically less on the small cc bikes also.
If you take the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) course will they give you an insurance discount in CA? In TN it is 10 or 15% off.
I think my full coverage insurance went from about thirty bucks a month on the 500 to about fifty bucks on my Honda VTX1300R.