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Old 04-01-2009, 09:49 AM
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Still Figuring It Out.

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America, Online Forums & Talk Shows

I have noticed something over the last few decades and the trend is increasing IMO.

To me, it all began with talk shows on TV and has continued and been perpetuated in other media such as online forums. Talk shows have taught America several things.

1. You can form a complete and accurate opinion on any subject listening to 3 minutes of one side of the story.

2. When I do form my rock solid opinion after a lengthy 74 seconds of research then it is necessary that I share my opinion as emphatically as possible. This is largely because my opinion is gospel and you need to line up to the way I think.

3. An opinion must be had on everything and that opinion must, necessarily, draw some imaginary line in the sand at which I feel compelled to challenge you up to and including your very salvation for having the audacity to not agree with my sacred opinion.

Didn't there used to be a day when things were discussed from a standpoint of "this is the way I feel" vs "this is the way you feel".

We have developed an ability to form opinions as fast as they used to draw they guns in an old western shootout and with nearly as serious consequences.

Does anyone else see this trend?

Do you feel that it is a dangerous one?

If you do... Is there anything that can be to curtail the trend?
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Old 04-01-2009, 10:00 AM
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Re: America, Online Forums & Talk Shows

I don't know... I'm not sure it's a recent trend. As a child, I sat and listened to many discussions between adults about various issues. The discussions got very heated with people trying to prove their own point of view.

It seems to me that it's just a human trait.

Talk shows, the internet, etc. probably has broadened the subject matter about which we can have a strong opinion, though.
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Old 04-01-2009, 10:09 AM
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Digging4Truth Digging4Truth is offline
Still Figuring It Out.

Join Date: Feb 2007
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Re: America, Online Forums & Talk Shows

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
I don't know... I'm not sure it's a recent trend. As a child, I sat and listened to many discussions between adults about various issues. The discussions got very heated with people trying to prove their own point of view.

It seems to me that it's just a human trait.

Talk shows, the internet, etc. probably has broadened the subject matter about which we can have a strong opinion, though.

And that may be the reason why it seems like a trend to me... The house I grew up in people didn't raise their voices at one another. I didn't grow up seeing people argue. Opinions were discussed and there were differences of opinion but seeing people argue about things was not part of my childhood and nor is it part of my children's childhood
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