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Old 11-22-2008, 11:57 AM
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Genesis 1 gap theory

Whereas I see no gap in the seventy weeks of Daniel in Daniel 9, I believe there are instances where gaps are to be understood in scripture. Perhaps Gen 1:1-2 is one of them.

Please help me narrow this down to its truth.

Genesis 1:1 says God created the heaven and earth. And verse 2 says the earth was void and without form.

Genesis 1:1-2 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (2) And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
When you research the Hebrew word for "without form" it is as follows:

tohuw {to'-hoo} from an unused root meaning to lie waste
- wasteland, wilderness (of solitary places) - place of chaos

From an unused root meaning to lie waste; a desolation (of surface), that is, desert; figuratively a worthless thing; adverbially in vain: - confusion, empty place, without form, nothing, (thing of) nought, vain, vanity, waste, wilderness.
The same word is used in Isaiah 45, translated as "in vain", and is also used in connection with the creation of earth.

Isai 45:18 For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain (TOHUW), he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.
So if Isaiah said God did not create the earth TOHUW, but Gen 1:2 says the earth was TOHUW, then how can we make any sense out of it other than saying a gap of time occurred after creation in Genesis 1:1 and before verse 2 when the earth was TOHUW?

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Old 11-22-2008, 01:21 PM
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Re: Genesis 1 gap theory

Well, Bro. Blume, from an authority that you dearly love in the Scofield Bible, there is a note at Genesis 1:2 which says:
"Jer 4:23-26; Isa 24:1 and 45:18, clearly indicate that the earth had undergone a cataclysmic change as a result of a divine judgment. The face of the earth bears everywhere the marks of such a catastrophe...."

I had read somewhere that the word "was" in Gen 1:2 (and the earth "was" without form and void) could actually be translated "became" (and the earth "became" without form and void). I thought that I had read that in the Scofield Bible but I did not see anything about that when I just looked. My Scofield has disintegrated and is just a pile of loose pages.

The "gap theory" can put the age of the earth just about anywhere and the story of the six "days" of creation can actually be a more recent "re-creation." Some see this as a compromise with "science so-called" while others see it as a way of getting away from the "young earth" theory.
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Old 11-22-2008, 01:27 PM
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Re: Genesis 1 gap theory

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Well, Bro. Blume, from an authority that you dearly love in the Scofield Bible, there is a note at Genesis 1:2 which says:
"Jer 4:23-26; Isa 24:1 and 45:18, clearly indicate that the earth had undergone a cataclysmic change as a result of a divine judgment. The face of the earth bears everywhere the marks of such a catastrophe...."

I had read somewhere that the word "was" in Gen 1:2 (and the earth "was" without form and void) could actually be translated "became" (and the earth "became" without form and void). I thought that I had read that in the Scofield Bible but I did not see anything about that when I just looked. My Scofield has disintegrated and is just a pile of loose pages.

The "gap theory" can put the age of the earth just about anywhere and the story of the six "days" of creation can actually be a more recent "re-creation." Some see this as a compromise with "science so-called" while others see it as a way of getting away from the "young earth" theory.
Many believe that "The morning and the evening were the first day".

Actully refers to the first day of Jehova relating the things that were before to Moses.

The second day being the second day being the second day of Jevoha sharing these words with Moses.

The resaon God showed Moses his hinder parts was that Moses was to see that which was on the back side of God or time.

Tell me this why would God speak things into existance in 7 days?

I personally believe it took the Lord seven days to share this with Moses.

And on the 7th day the Lord rested...

Rested his case with Moses....
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Old 11-24-2008, 05:42 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Genesis 1 gap theory

Originally Posted by Neck View Post
Many believe that "The morning and the evening were the first day".

Actully refers to the first day of Jehova relating the things that were before to Moses.

The second day being the second day being the second day of Jevoha sharing these words with Moses.

The resaon God showed Moses his hinder parts was that Moses was to see that which was on the back side of God or time.

Tell me this why would God speak things into existance in 7 days?

I personally believe it took the Lord seven days to share this with Moses.

And on the 7th day the Lord rested...

Rested his case with Moses....
Excellent thoughts!
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Old 11-25-2008, 02:35 PM
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Re: Genesis 1 gap theory

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Excellent thoughts!
Originally Posted by Neck
Many believe that "The morning and the evening were the first day".

Actully refers to the first day of Jehova relating the things that were before to Moses.

The second day being the second day being the second day of Jevoha sharing these words with Moses.

The resaon God showed Moses his hinder parts was that Moses was to see that which was on the back side of God or time.

Tell me this why would God speak things into existance in 7 days?

I personally believe it took the Lord seven days to share this with Moses.

And on the 7th day the Lord rested...

Rested his case with Moses....

Excellent thoughts!

************************************************** **

I actually shared this with a member of a Public School board that I sold a 1.5 million dollar contact for new VOIP phones systems. To 31 Schools and admin offices.

I was sitting at lunch with the Main IT contact and board member.

They started talking about Evolution vs the idea of creation.

They both were saying they could believe that anyone still believed that the earth was 6500 years old.

I shared with them my thoughts on the 7 days of creation.

When we got done with the conversation.

They did not have a stance that the Christian faith was dead wrong.

Both of them told me that it was the first statements that they had heard that could put creation back into the equation.
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Old 11-22-2008, 01:31 PM
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Re: Genesis 1 gap theory

The late Dr. Ironside had a note in his Bible at Genesis 1:1 which says:
"The original creation --which was perfect but fell into chaos."

At Isaiah 45:18 he has a note which says:
"The earth not created a waste --bohu--void--in vain--see Gen 1:1,2"

I have a book titled,
"Dr. Ironside's Bible
Notes and Quotes
from the Margins"
It has a copyright date of 1955.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 08-13-2010, 07:46 AM
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Re: Genesis 1 gap theory

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
The "gap theory" can put the age of the earth just about anywhere and the story of the six "days" of creation can actually be a more recent "re-creation." Some see this as a compromise with "science so-called" while others see it as a way of getting away from the "young earth" theory.
This is a view I lean more towards.
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Old 11-22-2008, 01:28 PM
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Re: Genesis 1 gap theory

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Whereas I see no gap in the seventy weeks of Daniel in Daniel 9, I believe there are instances where gaps are to be understood in scripture. Perhaps Gen 1:1-2 is one of them.

Please help me narrow this down to its truth.

Genesis 1:1 says God created the heaven and earth. And verse 2 says the earth was void and without form.

When you research the Hebrew word for "without form" it is as follows:

The same word is used in Isaiah 45, translated as "in vain", and is also used in connection with the creation of earth.

So if Isaiah said God did not create the earth TOHUW, but Gen 1:2 says the earth was TOHUW, then how can we make any sense out of it other than saying a gap of time occurred after creation in Genesis 1:1 and before verse 2 when the earth was TOHUW?
Dakes Bible was an exponent of this theory.
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Old 11-22-2008, 03:02 PM
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Re: Genesis 1 gap theory

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Whereas I see no gap in the seventy weeks of Daniel in Daniel 9, I believe there are instances where gaps are to be understood in scripture. Perhaps Gen 1:1-2 is one of them.

Please help me narrow this down to its truth.

Genesis 1:1 says God created the heaven and earth. And verse 2 says the earth was void and without form.

When you research the Hebrew word for "without form" it is as follows:

The same word is used in Isaiah 45, translated as "in vain", and is also used in connection with the creation of earth.

So if Isaiah said God did not create the earth TOHUW, but Gen 1:2 says the earth was TOHUW, then how can we make any sense out of it other than saying a gap of time occurred after creation in Genesis 1:1 and before verse 2 when the earth was TOHUW?
Perhaps what Isaiah meant is the final creation was not done in vain.

Gen 1:2 means that when God created the earth...not ended the finished creation, the earth was empty...not populated with life forums or vegitation
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Old 11-22-2008, 03:05 PM
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Re: Genesis 1 gap theory

On the other hand, maybe there really is a sort of Karma. The earth is really really REALLY old and it has been populated once before, gone through all the events until God destroys the planet and starts over again and again and again. God is populating heaven or maybe even other planets with the faithful....

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  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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