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Old 09-20-2008, 03:19 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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In case you've missed the recent polls ...

I wasn't sure why the Palin/Anti-Obama voters haven't reported on the recent polls ... I'd hate for the news not to be accurately reported on this forum so here goes:

RCP Average 09/09 - 09/19 -- 47.4 45.3 Obama +2.1

Gallup Tracking 09/17 - 09/19 2756 RV 50 44 Obama +6

Rasmussen Tracking 09/17 - 09/19 3000 LV 48 47 Obama +1

Hotline/FD Tracking 09/17 - 09/19 922 RV 45 44 Obama +1

Battleground Tracking 09/11 - 09/18 800 LV 47 47 Tie

CBS News/NY Times 09/12 - 09/16 LV 49 44 Obama +5

Quinnipiac 09/11 - 09/16 987 LV 49 45 Obama +4

Pew Research 09/09 - 09/14 2307 LV 46 46 Tie

Reuters/Zogby 09/11 - 09/13 1008 LV 47 45 Obama +2

Newsweek 09/10 - 09/11 1038 RV 46 46 Tie
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Old 09-20-2008, 03:28 PM
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Re: In case you've missed the recent polls ...

Regular polls like that only reflect the popular vote.
What matters most is the electoral college, as Al Gore can tell you.
Gore won the popular vote in 2000 but lost the electoral college vote.

Either Obama or McCain could also win the popuar vote, and still not be president.
If you're going to look at any polling or surveys right now, all that matters is the National Electoral Map... and that's pretty much neck and neck right now. A couple of electoral maps now show McCain ahead.


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Old 09-20-2008, 04:12 PM
RunningOnFaith RunningOnFaith is offline
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Re: In case you've missed the recent polls ...

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
Regular polls like that only reflect the popular vote.
What matters most is the electoral college, as Al Gore can tell you.
Gore won the popular vote in 2000 but lost the electoral college vote.

Either Obama or McCain could also win the popuar vote, and still not be president.
If you're going to look at any polling or surveys right now, all that matters is the National Electoral Map... and that's pretty much neck and neck right now. A couple of electoral maps now show McCain ahead.



Its true that popular vote doesn't really count, but if Obama where to win by 6 points as the gallup poll currently has him up by......it would be virtually impossible for him to lose the electorial college. Clinton beat Bush 41 by 5 points and won over 350 electoral votes.

Only when the popular vote victory is extremely narrow.........does it become likely that the popular vote winner could conceivably lose the electoral college
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Old 09-20-2008, 04:26 PM
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Re: In case you've missed the recent polls ...

Originally Posted by RunningOnFaith View Post
Its true that popular vote doesn't really count, but if Obama where to win by 6 points as the gallup poll currently has him up by......it would be virtually impossible for him to lose the electorial college. Clinton beat Bush 41 by 5 points and won over 350 electoral votes.

Only when the popular vote victory is extremely narrow.........does it become likely that the popular vote winner could conceivably lose the electoral college
Running.. I hear you and I understand 100%.

Keep in mind though, that the realclearpolitics.com poll is highly regarded because is is a "poll of polls". Because all polls are prone to error, RCP averages all the major polls (including Gallup) to give a more accurate view.

Gallup's 6% margin is irrelevant right now. The RCP average still has Obama up by only 2% at this time, which is not a big deal 7 weeks away from the elections, and before the debates even begin.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

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Old 09-20-2008, 04:37 PM
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Re: In case you've missed the recent polls ...

This is hilarious. McCain laid out a six-point principle plan for a better economic policy and the Obama camp is saying he stole it from them - after - Obama said he didn't want to lay out his plan until he saw how things shaked out on Wall Street.

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Old 09-20-2008, 04:45 PM
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Re: In case you've missed the recent polls ...

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
This is hilarious. McCain laid out a six-point principle plan for a better economic policy and the Obama camp is saying he stole it from them - after - Obama said he didn't want to lay out his plan until he saw how things shaked out on Wall Street.

You mean you find it funny that a candidate would factor new and perhaps life-altering developments in the financial markets before laying out any strategic changes to his existing economic platform that may need to be implemented/changed in a fluid and highly volatile present-day market? ... WHILE CRITICIZING A CANDIDATE WHO HASN'T HAD AN ORIGINAL IDEA since the Hoover administration?

That's pretty not funny. Sounds responsible and adaptive to me.

Or the other alternative is a candidate in McCain who would like to distance himself so much from the existing Republican President ... that he is willing to keep a laissez-faire .. turn the other way ... approach when everyone and their mother knows some gov't intervention and help is needed in this present crisis that has spun out of control ... while blasting the Republican President who is acting on it ....

I understand this is difficult for a candidate that owns 7 homes and whose wife can wear outfits in the hundreds of thousands of dollars .... but

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Old 09-20-2008, 10:43 PM
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Re: In case you've missed the recent polls ...

Originally Posted by RunningOnFaith View Post
Clinton beat Bush 41 by 5 points and won over 350 electoral votes.
That is because Ross Perot siphoned off 17% of the popular vote. That makes a mess of the electoral math.
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Old 09-20-2008, 11:04 PM
RunningOnFaith RunningOnFaith is offline
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Re: In case you've missed the recent polls ...

Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
That is because Ross Perot siphoned off 17% of the popular vote. That makes a mess of the electoral math.
That still doesn't negate the fact that the canidate who wins the popular vote almost always wins the electoral college, irrespective if the winning canidate wins an outright majority of votes or obtains a mere plurality as was the case with Clintion. The last time that the loser of the popular vote won the electoral college prior to 2000 was 1888.
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Old 09-20-2008, 03:35 PM
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Re: In case you've missed the recent polls ...


You post an electoral map by Karl Rove .... ROFL.
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Old 09-20-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: In case you've missed the recent polls ...

Hmmm ... when the polls a couple of weeks ago reflected the Palin bounce ... the euphoria in this forum was at peak levels ...

It bordered on the fanaticism seen in some Middle Eastern rallies.

Just looking to have some truth in reporting.
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