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Old 07-27-2008, 12:45 PM
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Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland, TX

Praise The Lord;

I went to North Cities UPC in Garland TX today. When I tell you I felt the power of God as soon as I drove up in the parking lot. A friendly brother comes riding up to me in a golf-cart-train to take me from my car to the doors of the church. That was a first. I showed up for the 11:00AM service but we got out at 12 (with souls still slain at the altar). I think I must have missed the Word because there was no preaching at the 11:00AM service. I am use to all out church. Instead, there was singing, running the aisles, offering more prayer and shouting and then a dismissal. Did I miss something? Should I have showed up at 10AM for Sunday School and then I would have heard the preached Word of God?

Help me understand the UPC culture if you may (because I dont want to keep showing up for a 1 hour worship when in fact I really need to be going to Sunday School to hear the Word). You see where I come from, at 11:00AM the choir marches in, we sing and shout, visitors are greeted, offering, more singing and shouting and then usually the Word of God, Altar call and dismissal. Are things done the opposite in some UPC churches?????

Anywho, I loved North Cities UPC and will go again. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, and we had tongues with interpretation this morning to. How rare is that (well, in the black churches, everyone is always speaking in tongues and no interpretation comes forth). I was truly moved by that and I did take heed to the voice of the Lord.

Thanks to all the members of North Cities who made me feel very welcome.
….and since Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, we cannot be defeated!
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Old 07-27-2008, 01:00 PM
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Re: Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland

Who is the pastor of that church?

As far as the service goes it sounds like they probably have a 10 am serice that has the Sunday School "teaching / preaching" and then they change the order of the service at 11 am for praise and worship?

Or perhaps you just happened to visit on a Sunday when they decided to "shockamoo" and the preaching / teaching that was planned did not happen.
"I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"

Titus2woman on AF

"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.

"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.

"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."

Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
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Old 07-27-2008, 01:31 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Who is the pastor of that church?

As far as the service goes it sounds like they probably have a 10 am serice that has the Sunday School "teaching / preaching" and then they change the order of the service at 11 am for praise and worship?

Or perhaps you just happened to visit on a Sunday when they decided to "shockamoo" and the preaching / teaching that was planned did not happen.
Our pastor is DG Hargrove and then we have an additional ministerial staff of about 15 other pastors/evangelists with many names you may or may not recognize. We do begin at 10 am. We have SS at 10 and then when our youth are released from their class is when our morning worship service begins. This morning wasnt a total shockamoo service but we do occasionally have those too! We didnt have preaching tho... The service just took a different direction One that you might not like CC JK Seriously tho.. we do have a lotta shockamoo but we have a lot of services where the spirit of God moves and its just a total time of worship! This morning there was no preaching but a powerful service!!!!
We had some awesome word this morning btw... but there is just a lot of healing and fixing God is doing. A lot of families in our church are experiencing huge loss. We had a young man from our church recently shot and killed leaving behind a wife and 2 babies.. and then Sis Stanford passed away this weekend and her daughter in law and grandkids go to our church and are having a very hard time of this being they just lost their husband/father a yr ago so God chose today to mend some hearts

So glad you came Praise!!!
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Old 07-27-2008, 01:29 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland

Originally Posted by PraiseHymn View Post
Praise The Lord;

I went to North Cities UPC in Garland TX today. When I tell you I felt the power of God as soon as I drove up in the parking lot. A friendly brother comes riding up to me in a golf-cart-train to take me from my car to the doors of the church. That was a first. I showed up for the 11:00AM service but we got out at 12 (with souls still slain at the altar). I think I must have missed the Word because there was no preaching at the 11:00AM service. I am use to all out church. Instead, there was singing, running the aisles, offering more prayer and shouting and then a dismissal. Did I miss something? Should I have showed up at 10AM for Sunday School and then I would have heard the preached Word of God?

Help me understand the UPC culture if you may (because I dont want to keep showing up for a 1 hour worship when in fact I really need to be going to Sunday School to hear the Word). You see where I come from, at 11:00AM the choir marches in, we sing and shout, visitors are greeted, offering, more singing and shouting and then usually the Word of God, Altar call and dismissal. Are things done the opposite in some UPC churches?????

Anywho, I loved North Cities UPC and will go again. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, and we had tongues with interpretation this morning to. How rare is that (well, in the black churches, everyone is always speaking in tongues and no interpretation comes forth). I was truly moved by that and I did take heed to the voice of the Lord.

Thanks to all the members of North Cities who made me feel very welcome.

Man!!!! I think I saw you too! Did you see a big black suv drive by you going the wrong way when you were on the golf cart? LOL That was me! I had to rush to get some stuff for a special afternoon program our youth were doing. So sorry I didnt get to meet you you should have pmd me and told me you were coming!

Tongues and Interpretation are pretty common actually and yes we do have awesome services. The power of God does indeed move at North Cities! So glad you enjoyed your visit and we hope you will come more often!
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Old 07-27-2008, 04:57 PM
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Re: Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Well Praise Him! You see, at my home church every now and then we Praise until there is no preached Word (just healing and deliverance) however I did not know if this was the case this morning.

Get this, I went to Emmanuel Pentecostal's 2:00pm service in Mesquite and tongues with interpretation came forth too. (Bro. Flowers church) The Word was excellent "The 4th Man in the Fire". They gave me a veryyyyy warm welcome there as well. (but I think I like North Cities more because there are more young adults and just a tad bit more diversity....plus its closer). Thinking about coming back to evening worship at 6pm if I dont fall asleep lol. Oh and 2 soul did go down in His Name at EPC this afternoon.

No, I did not see you driving the wrong way (hmmm, I wonder if I was driving the wrong way lol...nah, I dont think so). I was sitting in the back row with my "sunday best" on sandwhiched between 2 couples. I was actually sitting in an aisle chair. (Ooooo I better join so I can pay tithe's and help yall build that new edifice cause yall are bursting out the seams over yonder lol).

P.S. I'm gonna need "sister girl" on the hammond B3 to play that shout music a tad bit louder next time so I can get my dance it too ya know.

P.S.S. Yall also need ushers to direct traffic when all the running starts cause God knows yall was running every which a way this morning. LOL. I think the husband sitting next to me told his wife to get out in the aisle and PRAISE GOD and she just went for BROKE with no showes on. I kindly just yelled at her "Help Yo Self Sistah! I Rejoice With Ya!"

P.S.S.S. Shhhhhhh, was that a little foundation I saw on some of the young peoples face with eye liner??????? Opppssss did I say that aloud! (Yall still cool with me......I will be coming back).
….and since Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, we cannot be defeated!
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Old 07-27-2008, 05:25 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland

Originally Posted by PraiseHymn View Post
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Well Praise Him! You see, at my home church every now and then we Praise until there is no preached Word (just healing and deliverance) however I did not know if this was the case this morning.

Get this, I went to Emmanuel Pentecostal's 2:00pm service in Mesquite and tongues with interpretation came forth too. (Bro. Flowers church) The Word was excellent "The 4th Man in the Fire". They gave me a veryyyyy warm welcome there as well. (but I think I like North Cities more because there are more young adults and just a tad bit more diversity....plus its closer). Thinking about coming back to evening worship at 6pm if I dont fall asleep lol. Oh and 2 soul did go down in His Name at EPC this afternoon.

No, I did not see you driving the wrong way (hmmm, I wonder if I was driving the wrong way lol...nah, I dont think so). I was sitting in the back row with my "sunday best" on sandwhiched between 2 couples. I was actually sitting in an aisle chair. (Ooooo I better join so I can pay tithe's and help yall build that new edifice cause yall are bursting out the seams over yonder lol).

P.S. I'm gonna need "sister girl" on the hammond B3 to play that shout music a tad bit louder next time so I can get my dance it too ya know.

P.S.S. Yall also need ushers to direct traffic when all the running starts cause God knows yall was running every which a way this morning. LOL. I think the husband sitting next to me told his wife to get out in the aisle and PRAISE GOD and she just went for BROKE with no showes on. I kindly just yelled at her "Help Yo Self Sistah! I Rejoice With Ya!"

P.S.S.S. Shhhhhhh, was that a little foundation I saw on some of the young peoples face with eye liner??????? Opppssss did I say that aloud! (Yall still cool with me......I will be coming back).

ROFL!!!! Ok first of all the girlie w the makeup well there were tons of youth visiting we run about 120 in our youth but also have about 30+ youth visitors each sunday so not tellin but if it was the one w jet black hair.. yep... thats my daughters best friend who WAS an athiest!!!! I know its cool tho... just had to rejoice bout that one!!!!

ROFL Bout the directing traffic.. normally all our traffic guides are outside trying to find somewhere to get everyone but now that we got the parking lot done they are trying to get everyone inside somehow yep.. we are bursting! And we had 5 classes still going on in back!!!!And ALLL the kids 12 and under were in class still

As for the praisin... we had SS and then everyone else came in and then ummm God saw fit differently that He might just have his good ole way this morning and He did indeed LOL

Sister girl on the hammond.. That is Sis Stanford. She is the one who lost her mother on Friday night. She is indeed awesome!!!!! As are Bro Terry our music director and Bro Brian Wipple out choir director.. they all are awesome!! Just wait till you hear the choirs!!!! We have an adult choir... actually 2 of them... cuz we dont have room for everyone each sunday and then we have a totally awesome youth choir who take over the entire service 1 sunday a month usually! They can almost put the adult choir to shame!!! They are so good they have been asked to go sing at the National Conference in Paris France next year.... we are so proud of them.

There are 2 ladies in our choir that can sangggggggggggggggg like home grown SISTAHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WOW,... Amanda and Heather! WOW You will know em when you hear em!! YEP! They are sisters and phenominal!

Dont know what else to say but North cities is the most awesome place!!!!

So come on back... pack yerself in like a sardine again and enjoy! I am supposed to be back already to get some stuff returned to our African church but have missed my deadline cuz the Indian church is using our annex right now so gotta try and get in somehow...

Not sure if I will be able to stay for the whole service as my back is still killing me when I sit so I am gonna pm you our cell # and call us if your there! We would love to introduce ourselves....

Glad you enjoyed!
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Old 07-27-2008, 05:41 PM
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Re: Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland

I knew that girl in the black had to be new to Pentecost! (my discernment was in high gear). After today, that atheist girl (or former atheist girl) has to know that God is real (since tongues with interpretation came forth to edify the church...ooooo I feel like speaking in tongues right now just because she has found God!). Its 5:40 and I do want to come back but I am tired. I am about to go into our Holy Convocation for the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ this whole week in Atlanta. I need to rest a bit.

….and since Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, we cannot be defeated!
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Old 07-27-2008, 06:04 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland

Originally Posted by PraiseHymn View Post
Praise The Lord;

I went to North Cities UPC in Garland TX today. When I tell you I felt the power of God as soon as I drove up in the parking lot. A friendly brother comes riding up to me in a golf-cart-train to take me from my car to the doors of the church. That was a first. I showed up for the 11:00AM service but we got out at 12 (with souls still slain at the altar). I think I must have missed the Word because there was no preaching at the 11:00AM service. I am use to all out church. Instead, there was singing, running the aisles, offering more prayer and shouting and then a dismissal. Did I miss something? Should I have showed up at 10AM for Sunday School and then I would have heard the preached Word of God?

Help me understand the UPC culture if you may (because I dont want to keep showing up for a 1 hour worship when in fact I really need to be going to Sunday School to hear the Word). You see where I come from, at 11:00AM the choir marches in, we sing and shout, visitors are greeted, offering, more singing and shouting and then usually the Word of God, Altar call and dismissal. Are things done the opposite in some UPC churches?????

Anywho, I loved North Cities UPC and will go again. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, and we had tongues with interpretation this morning to. How rare is that (well, in the black churches, everyone is always speaking in tongues and no interpretation comes forth). I was truly moved by that and I did take heed to the voice of the Lord.

Thanks to all the members of North Cities who made me feel very welcome.

There are a lot of Variations here Priasehymn.

Some UPC churches only have one Service so they go all out in
the morning.

SOme are focused mostly on sunday school only in the morning
because of bus ministry. they have too many people stretched out
doing so many things.

Then there are some UPC churches like Mine who have the
traditional oder of morning service like what you are use to.

Sunday school 10am
Full blown morning worship 11AM

Sunday night!

Some UPC churches are still more geared for SUnday night.
It's their main full blown holy ghost showdown service, choir
sings, evangelistic preaching.

Does that help out ?
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Old 07-27-2008, 06:11 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland

Well we are glad you enjoyed it! And glad you will be back. One thing thats for sure at our church... nothing is ever normal We love to worship and love to get our praise on!!!! If you couldnt tell

Yea the girl in the black... may actually be moving in with us. She is a good kid but going thru a major rough spot in her life. My husband and I have been working on them for about 3 months now and her mom had refused to let her go at all... but has given in and she may come as long as she spends the nights here so she doesnt have to know she went to church fine w me LOL The Tall one that walked in w her with the long brown hair and black and green dress... thats my kid... which you will probably recognize from the pic
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Old 07-28-2008, 12:34 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Church Search Update: North Cities UPC Garland

Also Praise... not sure if your on Everyones Apostolic or not but if you are... I started a group for our church. Its not super active yet but go in there and say hey... get to know some of us. We are really a cool group of people! I really think you will enjoy meeting everyone!
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