Barack Obama Doesn't Tithe?
This excerpt was taken from a recent article about his finances.
The family's best year came in 2005 with a combined income of $1.6 million
Alex Brandon / AP
In 2000, the couple gave $2,350 to charity, or about 1 percent of their total gross income.
In 2006, they donated $60,307 to charities, or about 6 percent of their gross income.
In 2005, the Obamas note a $5,000 donation to the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where the controversial Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., was Obama's pastor. If Obama tithed more regularly to the church, there's no record of it in these tax returns.
Is this a true Christian? Does he not support his church? With over 1.6 million in income for 05., he gave 5K to his church? A church he attended for 20 years.