Tread lightly gents. It's not nice to talk this way about Mother. She may have grown up in the days of the little house out back and no electricty, but she did birth us.
The 60's example is so old. Try telling that one to a twenty-something business professional. He's gonna think you are a loon.
If you wanna say its your conviction - no problem, but to make it a "thus saith the Lord" is way loco.
i honestly am less worried about what the argument is than I am about consistancy of message. I dont mind a fellow being wrong but when he has to get all contorted like he was playing twister...well you get what Im saying.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Tread lightly gents. It's not nice to talk this way about Mother. She may have grown up in the days of the little house out back and no electricty, but she did birth us.
Good advice. I am not slamming the UPC, just certain elements in and out of it. this is about ideas, not people.
Tread lightly gents. It's not nice to talk this way about Mother. She may have grown up in the days of the little house out back and no electricty, but she did birth us.
RevD, the men I know and have known, thank God arent like this.... the UPCI i grew up with wasnt narrow and controlling. I still go to a UPCI church that is not narrow and controlling. IMOH there is more good than bad in the UPCI and I still believe it is the best organization that preaches the Truth. having said that, there is need to discuss the things that need change.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!