Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Ferd ... has it ever occurred that my PCI view is newly formed ... why do you insist being a mind reader ... just ask Ronzo where I stand ... please stop w/ this 'monopoly' on truth bit.
Ronzo and I understand each other. He will tell you that I dont waive the "Monoply on truth flag".... once more with feeling. I have always held the opinion that the UPCI was wrong in 1992 and there should still be room for the PCI people. so that monopoly on truth thing doesnt play.
so yes, it occurred to me that you have just recently come to your current view. weither or not this view is "PCI" I am not convinced. Im not being unkind here Daniel. But I see a lot of guys that have decided that the denominal world is right and their former view was wrong and they then lable that as "PCI". But that isnt what those PCI men like Howard Goss believed. (I really wish you could have seen the George Glass Sr. Thread on NFCF... it might shed some light.
those PCI men preached the Gospel message and
Acts 2:38 that saints in the church would never have been able to seperate them from the Water/Spirit men.
Absolutly they would debate where salvation occured. For them repentance. But all of them said that the repentant WOULD without fail experiance
Acts 2:38 in total.
Does that look like you?