Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
I am so sick and tired of the bonds of legalism that a small minority within our movement want to place us in. This minority is affecting many things within the Apostolic culture. There is a dawning realization in me that rules can never replace relationship. Real morality is placed deep within the heart of a man who is in love with Jesus. No rule can ever take the place of that intimacy.
The spirit of abortion is in hundreds of legalistic position papers we have been formulating for decades. It is found in the heavy-handedness of supposed elders, who rebuke the cognitive process in the young as rebellious, and by default, wicked. It is found in every sermon that focuses on works of man more than the Work of God's grace.
The spirit of abortion is alive and well in many churches today. We rely on persona and tradition more than a sovereign move of the Holy Ghost. There are far too few prayer meetings nowadays. Instead, we run after every self-proclaimed Apostolic guru that lands on a conference stage.
I'm tired of politics. I'm tired of self-promotion. I'm tired of a complete lack of integrity in high levels of leadership.
This spirit is killing real revival.
Hoooooooooo Weeeeee!
Sounds like someone is getting a revelation!!!!! Sounds like someone is having a personal revival!!!! Sounds like someone is getting born again.....again!!!!
From my own personal experience, this is a very difficult position to be in. When the tower of TRADITION begins to shake and quake and crack and crumble, TRUTH is will be the only thing left standing.
Let 'er fall and let TRUTH prevail!!!! Hang in there bro! It's just like breaking the sound barrier. It gets real scary and feels like the plane is going to come apart and then..................it just settles down and before you know it, you've broken the sound barrier and it all smooths out!!!!
The Jesus that led you into it will lead you out of it. Follow the CLOUD!!