Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Has anyone ever read JR Ensey's book, does God really care about facial hair?
Pastor I don't really know you so I don't know your stand on UPC or the standards...I have not been very interested in battles over standards for some time...the reason being everyone has his or her opinion and there is nothing anyone can write outside of UPC that will phase them...I have done a lot of research and I really don't find much to support in a clear manner what standards are to be....
I was out for two years and have been back in for getting close to a year now...
Standards seem to be such a point of contention among so many, and the thing I have found it that for everyone that has researched scripture on these points finds their own opinion...most in UPC won't go to any outside commentary, because they assume if it does not line up with UPC it has to be wrong....
I for one don't think hair, dress, pants, skirts, jewelry or any other outward appearance will determine our path to heaven. What we feel inside is reflected on the outside...how we love God and our neighbors is what is going to be the important things to God...how many souls did we love, how many souls did he reach through us...I can't "save" anyone, but God can use me...I see little new friut...