Wow coon.....God forbid the Pilgrims came to America.
God forbid our declaration of Indepedence.
The devil and Carnal Authority hate when freedoms are fought for as well.
You have had your bad days with authority......that did not make you carnal.
Coop, if you notice, I specified "spiritual authority."
The Pilgrims and the Founding Fathers engaged in political resistance.
There is a big difference.
You said, "You have had your bad days with authority......that did not make you carnal..."
I have had times when my flesh chafed at the constraints of authority. Absolutely. And it was just about always a product of carnality when it happened.
I'll tell you what I could do, though--I could give you the names of the three living pastors I have sat under, and you could ask them if I was ever unsubmitted or disrespectful to them, and I know without a doubt what they would tell you.
To this day, as a 37 year old man who has preached nearly twent years and pastored for ten, when my pastor tells me something, I am going to take his advice. Period.
Elder Bean did not do this all the time. However in that era of time God used him to unmuzzle many pastors and free them from the oppression of church boards and put in them in their rightful place.
I have had my share of these Verbal Bean wannabees who have not the dedication nor the call and has ruined things. He did what God called him to do his humility is poured out in the midst of his strong preaching. The man would weep like Jeremiah preaching. But these wannabes could shed a tear over their dead mother and them swinging the ball bat is not impressive at least to me.
I think you are spot on Brother E. People listen to a message like this one and do so without either understanding who he was preaching to, nor who the man acutally was. They use the context of their own bias. Thus it is very easy to dismiss Brother Bean as something other than what he was, and therefore refuse to accept the word he gave. that is very sad.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I think you are spot on Brother E. People listen to a message like this one and do so without either understanding who he was preaching to, nor who the man acutally was. They use the context of their own bias. Thus it is very easy to dismiss Brother Bean as something other than what he was, and therefore refuse to accept the word he gave. that is very sad.
I was told he said at a meeting once "You young preachers need to understand when you are hearing this hard preaching we are not doing this all the time in our churches it would kill them." These wannabees never heard this.
I was told he said at a meeting once "You young preachers need to understand when you are hearing this hard preaching we are not doing this all the time in our churches it would kill them." These wannabees never heard this.
or really cared, I am afraid. There is a vast difference between a man who loves God and the saints deeply and a man who loves being a preacher.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I'll tell you what I could do, though--I could give you the names of the three living pastors I have sat under, and you could ask them if I was ever unsubmitted or disrespectful to them, and I know without a doubt what they would tell you.
To this day, as a 37 year old man who has preached nearly twent years and pastored for ten, when my pastor tells me something, I am going to take his advice. Period
But seriusly.. This submission to another man/men (that are flesh) makes me cautious in my soul.
I respect to postition of authority in it's self. But I just do not respect and obey any man that claims he is man-o-god.
But seriusly.. This submission to another man/men (that are flesh) makes me cautious in my soul.
I respect to postition of authority in it's self. But I just do not respect and obey any man that claims he is man-o-god.
Spooky if you ask me.
How can you say you respect the position of authority, and then say you would refuse to obey a man that God has put in the place of authority?? I saw both sides of your mouth move when you said that.
Coop, a true man of God is going to challenge you where you are, or he is probably not a true man of God. If he just leaves the saints indifferent and never deals with sin they are allowing in their life, then he needs to get him a paper route and work for a living.
It amazes me that folks want the preacher to preach them saved, and then turn around and reject his message that keeps them saved.
How can you say you respect the position of authority, and then say you would refuse to obey a man that God has put in the place of authority?? I saw both sides of your mouth move when you said that.
Coop, a true man of God is going to challenge you where you are, or he is probably not a true man of God. If he just leaves the saints indifferent and never deals with sin they are allowing in their life, then he needs to get him a paper route and work for a living.
It amazes me that folks want the preacher to preach them saved, and then turn around and reject his message that keeps them saved.
Now that was a powerful mouthfull Saint Matt.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
How can you say you respect the position of authority, and then say you would refuse to obey a man that God has put in the place of authority?? I saw both sides of your mouth move when you said that.
Coop, a true man of God is going to challenge you where you are, or he is probably not a true man of God. If he just leaves the saints indifferent and [b]never deals with sin they are allowing in their life, then he needs to get him a paper route and work for a living.
It amazes me that folks want the preacher to preach them saved, and then turn around and reject his message that keeps them saved.
Brother, I used to be of the mindset that this was the job of a pastor. I quit thinking that way once I realized that it's not his job to police my salvation. I need to be diligent for myself and not expect someone else to do it for me.