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Old 07-09-2007, 11:34 AM

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Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Y'all could call yourselves the Super Holified, Qualified, Certified, and Ractified Church of The Most Rules Cause We're Gettin In and You Ain't Assembly!
You can call your church Laodicea Tabernacle.
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Old 07-09-2007, 11:37 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Originally Posted by deseret View Post
You can call your church Laodicea Tabernacle.
At least mine would have some biblical foundation!
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Old 07-09-2007, 11:40 AM

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You would have just as much authority as anyone else who claims to be a preacher...
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Old 07-09-2007, 11:42 AM
Glenda B Glenda B is offline

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Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Aren't you just peachy? Number one, if I were interested being ordained I wouldn't even have to take any courses to get it accomplished. I could just send in my $89.95 and get my papers. Number two, why on earth would I be interested in starting up a church? Number three, if I were inclined to start my own church I certainly wouldn't get in the pulpit and preach dress standards, unless you count the modesty the Bible talks about.

Better yet, since it's such a good idea why don't you, Price, Deseret, and anyone else interested in being controlled from a pulpit start your own church. That way you could all get together 8 times a week to pat each other on the back for how holy you are and testify about how everyone around you needs to repent and pray back through.

Rico, Hey it was just an idea I had. I thought it might work for you. I've read all the many many things you aren't gonna allow a pastor of yours to preach to you about, and there's so many. What better idea than to start your own church. You can make all the rules to apply as you want them. If you don't preach against a lady cutting her hair, or dyeing their hair, or wearing makeup and jewelery or wearing pants, or having a television, or men wearing beards, and men wearing shorts, you would probably have one of those Mega Churches like we hear so much about. You'll have the money rolling in and no more financial worries for you. Just preach the Love Doctrine and look over everything else and let it slide, you'll have a packed out house. So many people are looking for an easy way to get to heaven these days. But that's totally up to you to decide. Just trying to help you out.
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Old 07-09-2007, 11:53 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Originally Posted by Hot Coffee Ms. View Post

Rico, Hey it was just an idea I had. I thought it might work for you. I've read all the many many things you aren't gonna allow a pastor of yours to preach to you about, and there's so many.

Really? There's that many? Why not tell me what they are, since you seem to think you know so well what I will and won't allow.

What better idea than to start your own church. You can make all the rules to apply as you want them. If you don't preach against a lady cutting her hair, or dyeing their hair, or wearing makeup and jewelery or wearing pants, or having a television, or men wearing beards, and men wearing shorts, you would probably have one of those Mega Churches like we hear so much about. You'll have the money rolling in and no more financial worries for you. Just preach the Love Doctrine and look over everything else and let it slide, you'll have a packed out house. So many people are looking for an easy way to get to heaven these days. But that's totally up to you to decide. Just trying to help you out.

You are trying to help me out? No thanks. I don't need your kind of help. Maybe you should start asking yourself why your church isn't a Mega Church and act accordingly. I mean, you have the truth, correct? You have what the whole world just can't live without, right? You have the market on God cornered, so why isn't everyone beating down the door to get into your church, since you have all the power and God's true anointing. I mean, the rest of us are just backslid fools, chasing after the world to be just like them, afterall. Why would anyone want what we've got?

Answers are in purple.
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Old 07-09-2007, 11:58 AM
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Sam we esteem Elder Bean as a Prophet and the Prophet's had blistering messages for their day. Never was one popular for long. Even those who promote his books dispised him while he was alive.
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Old 07-09-2007, 12:00 PM
Glenda B Glenda B is offline

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Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Answers are in purple.
I'll visit a couple of forums, do a little cutting and pasting, and it will be lengthy, but since you ask, I will try to do that for you. And there will be a few, trust me, over a period of time you have openly stated what you won't sit under a pastor teaching this and that and the other. That's why I suggested you becoming your own pastor. Could be the cause of your Present financial situation.
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Old 07-09-2007, 12:04 PM

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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Sam we esteem Elder Bean as a Prophet and the Prophet's had blistering messages for their day. Never was one popular for long. Even those who promote his books dispised him while he was alive.
People attended the funeral to make sure he was dead. That is how backslid Israel treats the prophets of God.
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Old 07-09-2007, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by deseret View Post
People attended the funeral to make sure he was dead. That is how backslid Israel treats the prophets of God.
They hated him. Apostate preachers and Laodicean church members.
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Old 07-09-2007, 12:09 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Originally Posted by Hot Coffee Ms. View Post
I'll visit a couple of forums, do a little cutting and pasting, and it will be lengthy, but since you ask, I will try to do that for you. And there will be a few, trust me, over a period of time you have openly stated what you won't sit under a pastor teaching this and that and the other. That's why I suggested you becoming your own pastor. Could be the cause of your Present financial situation.
Sister, my present financial situation is because I moved to an area that does not have the kinds of jobs I am qualified to do. Manual labor is out of the question for me anymore. I need a sit down type of job, not physical labor. Also, other than AFF and GNC there are no other forums I post on, other than a short few posts on Reymah a couple of years back. My account on GNC was deleted at my request so good luck on your search. Maybe it will keep you busy for a few days...........................if we're lucky.
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