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Old 07-09-2007, 07:45 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Jesus said:
"A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13;34-35

An attitude of exclusion where brothers and sisters are sneeringly referred to as "you people" and "your kind" doesn't sound like that love Jesus was speaking about. He was known as a "friend of sinners" and He attracted those who know that they needed Him. The folks back then that hated Jesus were the ones who placed so much emphasis on the "outward" and "the man-made rituals" and emphasized their separation and holiness.
It's almost like the old 'I'm too heavenly minded to be any earthly good'.

Sam, if I were to refer to someone of color as "you people" or "your kind," would I not be labeled a racist?! Yet the Church sees nothing wrong in throwing out words as if they had no long term effects.

It boggles my mind...

Love dosen't mean I overlook sin or wrong doing, or that I must keep silent...it means I respect your person enough that when I do to speak to you about it, it's in words seasoned with grace.
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Price View Post
So, you have an attitude against the scriptures, against holiness. Well, this is also evident.
Bro. Price,
Please be careful in judging a brother that way.

The Bible speaks about "true holiness" in Ephesians 4:24 and indicates that "true holiness" is the "new man" or "new nature" which is the Holy Spirit or Christ in us, the hope of glory.

All those who have invited Jesus into their lives are holy because they have the Holy One living within. When Jesus accepts our invitation and comes in, He imputes His holiness and as we grow in the Lord He imparts His holiness. Jesus is our sanctification and righteousness according to the way I understand 1 Cor. 1:30 and 2 Cor 5:17-20.

To some, the holiness and righteousness that Jesus gives us is not enough and they seek to add to it by following rules. In Isaiah 58:13, the prophet speaks about those who teach a fear of the Lord based on the commandments of men. Jesus referenced this passage of Scripture in Mark 7:1-16. Here Mark records one of several run ins that Jesus had with the Holiness folks of His time. These folks sincerely believed their man made rules would gain favor with God and condemned all those who did not follow their ultra conservative traditions and rules. The Apostle Paul also told the first century Christians to not let others judge them by lists of rules which are only a shadow of the real thing and were commandments/traditions of men. Colossians 2:16-23. Could this apply to the UPC Manual? the Affirmation Statement? and the clothes line preaching that some folks try to push off on the people of God today?

Brother Price, I love your sincerity and desire to please God. I rejoiced with you when you told us about the way He supplied another car when yours gave up the ghost. Keep praying, Keep seeking first the Kingdom of God (kingship of God in your life). Relax a little with your "righteous indignation" and be a little more tolerant and accepting with brothers and sisters who do not see eye to eye with you. This is not spoken in a condescending attitude but comes from an elder in the Lord. If this appears to you to be a "call to compromise," then don't receive it. Your first and foremost duty is to the Lord Who sought you out, bought you with His precious blood, and brought you to Himself through His grace and Love.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Last edited by Sam; 07-09-2007 at 08:08 AM. Reason: correct typo
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Price View Post
Wow! I need to pray for you, sincerely!
Brother Price,
I know that was not addressed to me
you can pray for me anytime.

I still have a way (a long way) to go toward perfection.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 07-09-2007, 08:12 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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Good morning Sam.

I agree that I am a little hot headed when it comes to this. But, the attitude of not needing a pastor to get into your life and tell you how to live is rebellious and haughty to say the least. I mean, I am thankful for the men who tried their dead level best to direct and stir me. And now, I cannot even consider a life without a pastor.

My call is as an evangelist. Any man who says he is an evangelist and does not have a pastor over him is not living according to scripture. Authority must be over authority.

Righteous indignation would be the best words here as well. So, let the Lord do His work, and I will do what I can as well.
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:23 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Originally Posted by Brother Price View Post
Good morning Sam.

I agree that I am a little hot headed when it comes to this. But, the attitude of not needing a pastor to get into your life and tell you how to live is rebellious and haughty to say the least. I mean, I am thankful for the men who tried their dead level best to direct and stir me. And now, I cannot even consider a life without a pastor.

My call is as an evangelist. Any man who says he is an evangelist and does not have a pastor over him is not living according to scripture. Authority must be over authority.

Righteous indignation would be the best words here as well. So, let the Lord do His work, and I will do what I can as well.

Yeah, hot headed is right! You can add putting words into people's mouths to the list as well. I never said I don't need a pastor and I challenge you to prove where I said that. I don't appreciate you jumping to conclusions and I certainly don't appreciate you taking it upon yourself to tell me I need to repent and pray back through. I don't know who you think you are, but to me you're that guy from AFF that has changed his beliefs so many times it's hard to keep track of what he believes. So much so that I take most of what you say with a grain of salt, waiting for the day when you will come on and announce yet another major change in beliefs. You're no Coonskinner, Steve Epley, Chtatum, or any of the other men around here I have enough confidence in to be willing to listen to if they felt led to tell me I needed to repent. They would at least have enough class to send me a pm.
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:29 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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You say something in public, be willing to respond as such in public. And, let's face this as well, you DO need to pray back through again. Any man who has said (and, I will correct my previous statement) that he does not need a pastor to micromanage his life is also a man who is willing to say that God does not need to have dominance in all areas of his life.

Now, you can ignore me or whatever else. But, truth is truth. A pastor should have the right and responsibility to see errors and shortcomings in peoples lives and help them even in the micro areas.
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:41 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Originally Posted by Brother Price View Post
You say something in public, be willing to respond as such in public. And, let's face this as well, you DO need to pray back through again. Any man who has said (and, I will correct my previous statement) that he does not need a pastor to micromanage his life is also a man who is willing to say that God does not need to have dominance in all areas of his life.

Now, you can ignore me or whatever else. But, truth is truth. A pastor should have the right and responsibility to see errors and shortcomings in peoples lives and help them even in the micro areas.
Oh please! A pastor isn't God and never will be. You have no idea what I'm willing to say about God. What a joke! Show me in scripture where Paul micromanaged the lives of the people in the churches he established. Show me where Peter practiced this. Show me where James practiced it. Show me where any of the apostles practiced micromanaging peoples' lives. You can't, because it isn't there. This supposed "truth" only exists in the minds of people with Catholicized notions of what the ministry is supposed to represent in the life of a saint. I'm glad God set me free from thinking this way and I will never go back to that kind of bondage again!
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:46 AM
Amos Amos is offline
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In my limited experience, most pastors have neither the time nor the inclination to micromanage people's lives.

That would be an exhausting endeavor.

I'm sure they exist, but they can't be the norm.
"Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit:

And the LORD took me as I followed the flock, and the LORD said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel."

--Amos 7:14-15
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:49 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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You ain't set free. Rico. You are bound by the worldly mindset of self reliance and non-submission.

Let me ask you this. If a pastor was to step into the pulpit, and say to the church that he believes is wrong, gives solid reasoning, and tells the church under the anointing to get them out of their homes, would you? Or how about when a pastor shows examples of ungodliness and fraud in movies, and tells the church not to patronize movie theaters, would you? Or is this micromanaging one's life as well?
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:50 AM
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Character means much to me...I have a pastor but if I were looking for one I certainly would want a man of clean character, a man that knows his spiritual boundries, a man that would care for my soul.
I would not want a pastor that lords over me but one that would gently guide me to that land.
I am so blessed that my pastor is a rare jewel. Not that there are not others but I deeply appreciate a man of God that has lead me to heaven´s gate. A man that believed in me when I was a mere child. A man that believed I had the missionary call and against all odds gave me God´s blessing.
Thank the Lord for such noble men!
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