Originally Posted by Polaris
Well, I don't. In fact I hate it when people do things like this. I am a conservative and proud to be one...in fact, I think it's the only way to be. But when someone starts with the "you people" this and the "what I'd expect out of your kind" that, it gives people justification for painting all of us who love this old-time holiness message with a broad brush and saying we're all a bunch of snotty, snobby, self-righteous Pharisees...and nothing could be further from the truth. I've never known anybody to consider the worth of someone else's position because someone else was so rude to them that they saw the light. I am ashamed.
I agree.. I am what u would call an UC.. Yet it is not my place to cast judgement and condemnation at those who hold "lower standards" than myself.
Bro Larry Booker made a comment while he was preaching last year at our campmeeting that summed the whole situation up perfectly. He said holiness/living for God/etc is like a group of people who are walking through a long tunnel, naturally there will be people who are at the front on the tunnel and those who are at the back of the tunnel. So as long as one keeps moving foward and growing in God and doesn't start backing up they will be okay.