If this is true then Peter's response makes no sense whatsoever. This is what they should have said instead of what's actually written:
Their hearts were pricked and they said "Glory, we're saved! Now what must we do?" And Peter said, " And now that you're saved and your sins are remitted by faith in Christ, we must bury you in the likeness of Christ's death by water baptism and you can receive a second blessing of being baptized in Holy Spirit"
Sounds good to me
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
Could you clarify/expound on this a bit for me? I'm not sure of your meaning.
When I was saved I didn't know the difference between the Trinity or Oneness. I just repented of my sins, was baptized in Jesus name as the Scripture commands, and prayed for the Holy Ghost. And I know many saints that really don't understand Oneness doctrine but who have obeyed the gospel and been saved.
When it comes to GOD, nobody can fully explain him. Therefore obedience trumps rather or not we understand what is virtually un-understandable. I hope that clarifies.
I have done my job, and am pleased with the results.
The object was not to change anyone's mind, or to "prove" a particular point. It is to get folks to question their belief systems and most of all - to think for them selves! To answer the question, why do you believe what you believe? Is it something your learned - or was it something you were told to believe? To open up once again to the "simple" word of God and to hear afresh the Holy Spirit.
One of the major objectives is to get people to reexamine their personal relationship with Jesus. What is it really based on? Faith grounded in love (I truly believe in Jesus because he has demonstrated His love for me, and for that I also love him), or performance based in fear (if I mess up, I will go to hell, so I will work all the harder for His approval. To do that, I must get everything "right")? It is the difference between salvation based on personal relationship, or a hope of salvation based on performance. Motivation is critical to the type of relationship one has with God.
So, how many here have an assurance that their names are already written in heaven, in the Lamb's book of Life? If it is so written, when was it entered? If not, when do you think it will be entered? That should prove to be an interesting Bible study for everyone. Oh! if you name is already written in heaven, does that mean you are also "saved"? Be careful how you answer that question, it's tricky.
Are you of the belief that once saved you're always saved?
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
When I was saved I didn't know the difference between the Trinity or Oneness. I just repented of my sins, was baptized in Jesus name as the Scripture commands, and prayed for the Holy Ghost. And I know many saints that really don't understand Oneness doctrine but who have obeyed the gospel and been saved.
When it comes to GOD, nobody can fully explain him. Therefore obedience trumps rather or not we understand what is virtually un-understandable. I hope that clarifies.
Yes, thank you!
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Dan.. you're over generalizing again.
I don't know ANY preachers except the one step, once saved always saved crowd who believe repent once and your done.
I've said this before, but some of you folks must have had some real strange teaching in your past... I've never had any of it. I've been a member of six different churches in my lifetime and not one of the pastors (or the many visiting ministers for that matter) ever made repentance a one time event.
One time event as part of the 3 that will get you in the ark .... as to cause the New Birth ... as to be rapture ready ... as to cause salvation to "kick-in", LPW. I'll assume you didn't grasp my post the first time.
Aquila, do you not believe in Acts 2:38 as the Bible way of salvation?
Do you not believe in Baptism in Jesus Name being essential?
Originally Posted by Aquila
When I was saved I didn't know the difference between the Trinity or Oneness. I just repented of my sins, was baptized in Jesus name as the Scripture commands, and prayed for the Holy Ghost. And I know many saints that really don't understand Oneness doctrine but who have obeyed the gospel and been saved.
When it comes to GOD, nobody can fully explain him. Therefore obedience trumps rather or not we understand what is virtually un-understandable. I hope that clarifies.
Let me make my questions easier to answer. (mark one box)
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?
I'm not so sure if I'm a one stepper, two stepper, three stepper, or four stepper. LOL
I believe that in the Greek Acts 2:38can be translated as being,
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, (and be baptized every
one of you in the name of Jesus Christ) for the remission of
sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Since the baptism clause is in the passive voice it's more supplimentary to the primary point, repentance. At repentance God forgives sin, that is why folks can receive the Holy Ghost before they are baptized. However, baptism is the believer's first step of obedience and therefore if a believer refuses to be baptized they are in a state of rebellion against the Bible. One cannot be saved in a state of rebellion, therefore even if they repent, are forgiven and filled with the Holy Ghost; if they refuse to be baptized in Jesus name at best they're in sin or backslidden.
So I'm not sure if I'm a one stepper, two stepper, three stepper or what.
Help me out here.
Do you believe in baptismal regeneration? A 3-stepper believes that only a properly administered baptism is essential to cause remission of sin.
As E.G. Moyer told the late Nathan Urshan, "If baptism remits sins we might just as well quit preaching the gospel and go out and baptize people."
As an ardent 3 stepper in my preaching, I agree with the premise of this quote by E.G. Moyer. Unlike my three stepper bretheren, I do not believe in Baptismal regeneration. Regeneration cannot be an instant "lights off - lights on" crisis event even though one is translated out of darkness into his marvelous light in a crisis moment. Regeneration is an ongoing process.