Originally Posted by staysharp
Of course, whaddu think? By the way, you do not read trinitarians books? You're the sole supporter of the PPH? You're gonna be in trouble when the close...Please, more double talk. If I were to look through your library I would only see oneness authors?
Are you aware that most proponents of oneness cannot even agree...like you an me!
By the way, Merry Christmas Mr. Coon.
You are putting words in my keyboard, SS.
I don't read a lot of theological books, mostly the Bible. I do like J.T. Pugh's "The Wisdom and Power of the Cross."
I highly recommend it.
It is a powerful book describing, among other things, wisdom from above.
I have read one or two of them there literary books too, now that I think of it.
And you have a Merry Christmas too. (And I do mean that)